problems with event handle in diffrent functions

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-1 comments, last by wazup92324 17 years, 6 months ago
Hello, Im new to SDL event handles. Im trying to load play_level1(); from show_title(); function. It loads show_title(); but when I click New Game button, the program exits when its supposed to load level 1. Here is my code: //includes //SDL includes #include <SDL/SDL.h> #include <SDL/SDL_image.h> #include <SDL/SDL_ttf.h> #include <SDL/SDL_mixer.h> //basic utility includes #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <vector> using namespace std; //Quit flag bool quit = false; //Game over flag bool gameOver = false; //Function prototypes void clean_up(); void easter_egg(); bool init(); bool load_files(); void play_level1(); void load_images(std::string filename); void set_buttonClips(); void show_company(); void show_credits(); void show_story(); void show_title(); //The attributes for the screen const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640; const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480; const int SCREEN_BPP = 32; //Set the frame rate const int FRAMES_PER_SECOND = 20; //The button states in the sprite sheet const int CLIP_MOUSEOVER = 0; const int CLIP_MOUSEOUT = 1; const int CLIP_MOUSEDOWN = 2; const int CLIP_MOUSEUP = 3; //The button surfaces SDL_Surface *newGameButton = NULL; SDL_Surface *storyButton = NULL; SDL_Surface *creditsButton = NULL; SDL_Surface *exitButton = NULL; //The background surfaces SDL_Surface *screen = NULL; SDL_Surface *intro_background = NULL; SDL_Surface *title_gun = NULL; SDL_Surface *company_logo = NULL; SDL_Surface *level_1B = NULL; SDL_Surface *level_2B = NULL; SDL_Surface *level_3B = NULL; SDL_Surface *creditB = NULL; //The player suface SDL_Surface *player = NULL; //The bullet surface SDL_Surface *bullet = NULL; //The enemy surfaces SDL_Surface *enemy_A = NULL; SDL_Surface *enemy_B = NULL; SDL_Surface *enemy_C = NULL; SDL_Surface *enemy_D = NULL; //more to be added later... //The music data types Mix_Music *introMusic = NULL; Mix_Music *level_1M = NULL; Mix_Music *level_2M = NULL; Mix_Music *level_3M = NULL; Mix_Music *creditMusic = NULL; //The soundeffect data types //soon to be added //SDL event structure SDL_Event event; //Surface for font TTF_Font *font= NULL; //The rectangle for the camera to be used SDL_Rect camera = {0,0,SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT}; //The rectangle for the intro button's SDL_Rect button_clips[2]; //Dims for the Player const int PLAYER_WIDTH = 32; const int PLAYER_HEIGHT = 32; //Dims for the bullet const int BULLET_WIDTH = 8; const int BULLET_HEIGHT = 8; //Dims for the Enemy_A const int ENEMY_A_WIDTH = 32; const int ENEMY_A_HEIGHT =32; //Dims for the Enemy_B const int ENEMY_B_WIDTH = 32; const int ENEMY_B_HEIGHT = 32; //Dims for the Enemy_C const int ENEMY_C_WIDTH = 32; const int ENEMY_C_HEIGHT = 32; //Dims for the Enemy_D const int ENEMY_D_WIDTH = 32; const int ENEMY_D_HEIGHT = 32; //Dims for level map const int LEVEL_WIDTH = 640; const int LEVEL_HEIGHT = 10000; //****************************************************************** //****************************************************************** //* CLASS DECLARATIONS * //****************************************************************** //****************************************************************** class Button { private: //The attributes for the button SDL_Rect box; //The part of the button sprite sheet that will be shown SDL_Rect* clip; public: Button( int x, int y, int w, int h); //Handles the events and changes the sprites void handle_newGame(); void handle_story(); void handle_credits(); void handle_exit(); //Show the button to screen void show_newGame(); void show_story(); void show_credits(); void show_exit(); }; class Bullet { private: //x and y offsets int x, y; //Velocity of x and y int xVel; int yVel; public: Bullet(); void show_bullet(int x, int y); }; class Player :public Bullet { private: //x and y offsets int x, y; //velocity of x and y int xVel; int yVel; //The life of player int life; public: Player(); void handle_input(); void move(); void show(); void set_camera(); void set_life(int x); int get_life(); void shoot_bullet(); void halt_fire(); }; class Enemy_A { private: //x and y offsets int x, y; //velocity of x and y int xVel; int yVel; public: Enemy_A(); void move(); void show(); }; class Enemy_B { private: //x and y offsets int x, y; //velocity of x and y int xVel; int yVel; public: Enemy_B(); void move(); void show(); }; class Enemy_C { private: //x and y offsets int x, y; //velocity of x and y int xVel; int yVel; public: Enemy_C(); void move(); void show(); }; class Enemy_D { private: //x and y offsets int x, y; //velocity of x and y int xVel; int yVel; public: Enemy_D(); void move(); void show(); }; //Timer class class Timer { private: //The clock time when the timer started int startTicks; //The ticks stored when the timer was paused int pausedTicks; //The timer status bool paused; bool started; public: //Initializes variables Timer(); //The various clock actions void start(); void stop(); void pause(); void unpause(); //Gets the timer's time int get_ticks(); //Checks the status of the timer bool is_started(); bool is_paused(); }; //Image loading function SDL_Surface *load_image( std::string filename ) { //The image that's loaded SDL_Surface* loadedImage = NULL; //The optimized surface that will be used SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = NULL; //Load the image loadedImage = IMG_Load( filename.c_str() ); //If the image loaded if( loadedImage != NULL ) { //Create an optimized surface optimizedImage = SDL_DisplayFormat( loadedImage ); //Free the old surface SDL_FreeSurface( loadedImage ); //If the surface was optimized if( optimizedImage != NULL ) { //Color key surface SDL_SetColorKey( optimizedImage, SDL_RLEACCEL | SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB( optimizedImage->format, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF ) ); } } //Return the optimized surface return optimizedImage; } void apply_surface( int x, int y, SDL_Surface* source, SDL_Surface* destination, SDL_Rect* clip = NULL ) { //Holds offsets SDL_Rect offset; //Get offsets offset.x = x; offset.y = y; //Blit SDL_BlitSurface( source, clip, destination, &offset ); } bool init() { //Initialize all SDL subsystems if( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING ) == -1 ) { return false; } //Set up the screen screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_BPP, SDL_SWSURFACE ); //If there was in error in setting up the screen if( screen == NULL ) { return false; } //Initialize SDL_ttf if( TTF_Init() == -1 ) { return false; } //Initialize SDL_mixer if( Mix_OpenAudio( 22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096 ) == -1 ) { return false; } //Set the window caption SDL_WM_SetCaption( "Super Thug", NULL ); //If everything initialized fine return true; } //This loads all necassary files bool load_files() { //Load the backgrounds image intro_background = load_image( "graphics/intro_background.png" ); company_logo = load_image( "graphics/logo.png" ); level_1B = load_image( "graphics/level_1.png" ); level_2B = load_image( "graphics/level_2.png" ); level_3B = load_image( "graphics/level_3.png" ); creditB = load_image( "graphics/credits.png" ); //If there was a problem in loading the backgrounds if( intro_background == NULL ) { return false; } if(company_logo == NULL) { return false; } if( level_1B == NULL ) { return false; } if( level_2B == NULL ) { return false; } if( level_3B == NULL ) { return false; } if( creditB == NULL ) { return false; } //Load the intro buttons images newGameButton = load_image( "graphics/newgame_button.png" ); storyButton = load_image( "graphics/story_button.png" ); creditsButton = load_image ( "graphics/credits_button.png" ); exitButton = load_image ( "graphics/exit_button.png" ); //Error loading the buttons if(newGameButton == NULL) { return false; } if(storyButton == NULL) { return false; } if(creditsButton == NULL) { return false; } if(exitButton == NULL) { return false; } //Load the title gun title_gun = load_image( "graphics/title_gun.png" ); //Error loading the gun if(title_gun == NULL) { return false; } //Load the player stick figure player = load_image( "graphics/player_1.png" ); //Error loading player if(player == NULL) { return false; } //Load the bullet bullet = load_image( "graphics/bullet.png" ); //Error loading bullet if(bullet == NULL) { return false; } //Open the font font = TTF_OpenFont( "lazy.ttf", 30 ); //If there is a problem in loading the font if( font == NULL ) { return false; } //Load the music introMusic = Mix_LoadMUS( "audio/introMusic.ogg" ); level_1M = Mix_LoadMUS( "audio/level1.ogg" ); level_2M = Mix_LoadMUS( "audio/level2.ogg" ); level_3M = Mix_LoadMUS( "audio/level3.ogg" ); creditMusic = Mix_LoadMUS( "audio/credits.ogg" ); //If there was a problem loading the music if( introMusic == NULL ) { return false; } if( level_1M == NULL ) { return false; } if( level_2M == NULL ) { return false; } if( level_3M == NULL ) { return false; } if( creditMusic == NULL ) { return false; } //Load the sound effects //will add later //If everything loaded fine return true; } void clean_up() { //Free the screen surface SDL_FreeSurface(screen); //Free the background surfaces SDL_FreeSurface(company_logo); SDL_FreeSurface(intro_background); SDL_FreeSurface(level_1B); SDL_FreeSurface(level_2B); SDL_FreeSurface(level_3B); SDL_FreeSurface(creditB); //Free the intro button surfaces SDL_FreeSurface(newGameButton); SDL_FreeSurface(storyButton); SDL_FreeSurface(creditsButton); SDL_FreeSurface(exitButton); //Free the title_gun surface SDL_FreeSurface(title_gun); //Free the player surface SDL_FreeSurface(player); //Free the sound effects //Mix_FreeChunk(); //Mix_FreeChunk(); //Mix_FreeChunk(); //Mix_FreeChunk(); //Free the music Mix_FreeMusic(introMusic); Mix_FreeMusic(level_1M); Mix_FreeMusic(level_2M); Mix_FreeMusic(level_3M); Mix_FreeMusic(creditMusic); //Close the font TTF_CloseFont( font ); //Quit SDL_mixer Mix_CloseAudio(); //Quit SDL_ttf TTF_Quit(); //Quit SDL SDL_Quit(); } void set_buttonClips() { //Clip the sprite sheet button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOVER ].x = 0; button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOVER ].y = 40; button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOVER ].w = 120; button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOVER ].h = 40; button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOUT ].x = 0; button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOUT ].y = 0; button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOUT ].w = 120; button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOUT ].h = 40; } //****************************************************************** //****************************************************************** //* CLASS IMPLEMETATIONS * //****************************************************************** //****************************************************************** Button::Button(int x, int y, int w, int h) { box.x = x; box.y = y; box.w = w; box.h = h; } void Button::handle_newGame() { //The mouse offsets int x = 0, y = 0; //If the mouse moved if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION ) { //Get the mouse offsets x = event.button.x; y = event.button.y; //If the mouse is over the button if( ( x > box.x ) && ( x < box.x + box.w ) && ( y > box.y ) && ( y < box.y + box.h ) ) { //Set the button sprite clip = &button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOVER ]; } //If not else { //Set the button sprite clip = &button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOUT ]; } } //If a mouse button was pressed if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN ) { //If the left mouse button was pressed if( event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ) { //Get the mouse offsets x = event.button.x; y = event.button.y; //If the mouse is over the button if( ( x > box.x ) && ( x < box.x + box.w ) && ( y > box.y ) && ( y < box.y + box.h ) ) { play_level1(); } } } } void Button::handle_story() { //The mouse offsets int x = 0, y = 0; //If the mouse moved if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION ) { //Get the mouse offsets x = event.button.x; y = event.button.y; //If the mouse is over the button if( ( x > box.x ) && ( x < box.x + box.w ) && ( y > box.y ) && ( y < box.y + box.h ) ) { //Set the button sprite clip = &button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOVER ]; } //If not else { //Set the button sprite clip = &button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOUT ]; } } //If a mouse button was pressed if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN ) { //If the left mouse button was pressed if( event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ) { //Get the mouse offsets x = event.button.x; y = event.button.y; //If the mouse is over the button if( ( x > box.x ) && ( x < box.x + box.w ) && ( y > box.y ) && ( y < box.y + box.h ) ) { } } } } void Button::handle_credits() { //The mouse offsets int x = 0, y = 0; //If the mouse moved if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION ) { //Get the mouse offsets x = event.button.x; y = event.button.y; //If the mouse is over the button if( ( x > box.x ) && ( x < box.x + box.w ) && ( y > box.y ) && ( y < box.y + box.h ) ) { //Set the button sprite clip = &button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOVER ]; } //If not else { //Set the button sprite clip = &button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOUT ]; } } //If a mouse button was pressed if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN ) { //If the left mouse button was pressed if( event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ) { //Get the mouse offsets x = event.button.x; y = event.button.y; //If the mouse is over the button if( ( x > box.x ) && ( x < box.x + box.w ) && ( y > box.y ) && ( y < box.y + box.h ) ) { } } } } void Button::handle_exit() { //The mouse offsets int x = 0, y = 0; //If the mouse moved if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION ) { //Get the mouse offsets x = event.button.x; y = event.button.y; //If the mouse is over the button if( ( x > box.x ) && ( x < box.x + box.w ) && ( y > box.y ) && ( y < box.y + box.h ) ) { //Set the button sprite clip = &button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOVER ]; } //If not else { //Set the button sprite clip = &button_clips[ CLIP_MOUSEOUT ]; } } //If a mouse button was pressed if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN ) { //If the left mouse button was pressed if( event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ) { //Get the mouse offsets x = event.button.x; y = event.button.y; //If the mouse is over the button if( ( x > box.x ) && ( x < box.x + box.w ) && ( y > box.y ) && ( y < box.y + box.h ) ) { quit = true; } } } } void Button::show_newGame() { apply_surface(box.x,box.y,newGameButton, screen, clip); } void Button::show_story() { apply_surface(box.x,box.y,storyButton, screen, clip); } void Button::show_credits() { apply_surface(box.x,box.y,creditsButton, screen, clip); } void Button::show_exit() { apply_surface(box.x,box.y,exitButton, screen, clip); } //New Bullet constructor Bullet::Bullet() { //int the offsets x = 0; y = 0; //init the velocity xVel = 0; yVel = 0; } void Bullet::show_bullet(int x, int y) { //apply the bullet surface apply_surface(x, y, bullet, screen); } //New Player constructor Player::Player() { //Init the offsets x = 0; y = 0; //Init the velocity xVel = 0; yVel = 0; life = 0; Bullet myBullet; } void Player::shoot_bullet() { //If player decides to shoot a bullet, then show it //Bullet.show_bullet(int x, int y); } void Player::set_life(int x) { Player::life = x; } int Player::get_life() { return Player::life; } void Player::halt_fire() { } //Handle the input for the player void Player::handle_input() { //If a key was pressed if( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN ) { //Adjust the velocity switch( event.key.keysym.sym ) { case SDLK_UP: yVel -= PLAYER_HEIGHT / 3; break; case SDLK_DOWN: yVel += PLAYER_HEIGHT / 3; break; case SDLK_LEFT: xVel -= PLAYER_WIDTH / 3; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: xVel += PLAYER_WIDTH / 3; break; case SDLK_SPACE: shoot_bullet(); break; } } //If a key was released else if( event.type == SDL_KEYUP ) { //Adjust the velocity switch( event.key.keysym.sym ) { case SDLK_UP: yVel += PLAYER_HEIGHT / 3; break; case SDLK_DOWN: yVel -= PLAYER_HEIGHT / 3; break; case SDLK_LEFT: xVel += PLAYER_WIDTH / 3; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: xVel -= PLAYER_WIDTH / 3; break; case SDLK_SPACE: halt_fire(); break; } } } //Dot move() function void Player::move() { //Move the dot left or right x += xVel; //If the dot went too far to the left or right or has collided with the other shapes if( ( x < 0 ) || ( x + PLAYER_WIDTH > LEVEL_WIDTH )) { //Move back x -= xVel; } //Move the dot up or down y += yVel; //If the dot went too far up or down or has collided with the other shapes if( ( y < 0 ) || ( y + PLAYER_HEIGHT > LEVEL_HEIGHT )) { //Move back y -= yVel; } } //dot show(); function void Player::show() { //show the Player apply_surface(x - camera.x, y - camera.y, player, screen); } //For the Player to set the camera above the player void Player::set_camera() { camera.x= (x + PLAYER_WIDTH / 2) - SCREEN_WIDTH / 2; camera.y= (y + PLAYER_HEIGHT / 2) - SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2; //keep camera in bounds if(camera.x < 0) { camera.x = 0; } if(camera.y < 0) { camera.y = 0; } if(camera.x > LEVEL_WIDTH - camera.w) { camera.x = LEVEL_WIDTH - camera.w; } if(camera.y > LEVEL_HEIGHT - camera.h) { camera.y = LEVEL_HEIGHT - camera.h; } } //Enemy_A implementations //New Enemy_A constructor Enemy_A::Enemy_A() { //init the offsets and dims x = 0; y = 0; //int the velocity xVel = 0; yVel = 0; } //Enemy_A move() function void Enemy_A::move() { //Move the dot left or right x += xVel; //If the dot went too far to the left or right or has collided with the other shapes if( ( x < 0 ) || ( x + ENEMY_A_WIDTH > SCREEN_WIDTH )) { //Move back x -= xVel; } //Move the dot up or down y += yVel; //If the dot went too far up or down or has collided with the other shapes if( ( y < 0 ) || ( y + ENEMY_A_HEIGHT > SCREEN_HEIGHT )) { //Move back y -= yVel; } } //Enemy_A show(); function void Enemy_A::show() { //show the Dot apply_surface(x - camera.x, y - camera.y, enemy_A, screen); } //Enemy_B implementations //Enemy_B constructor Enemy_B::Enemy_B() { //init the offsets and dims x = 0; y = 0; //int the velocity xVel = 0; yVel = 0; } //Enemy_B move() function void Enemy_B::move() { //Move the dot left or right x += xVel; //If the dot went too far to the left or right or has collided with the other shapes if( ( x < 0 ) || ( x + ENEMY_B_WIDTH > SCREEN_WIDTH )) { //Move back x -= xVel; } //Move the dot up or down y += yVel; //If the dot went too far up or down or has collided with the other shapes if( ( y < 0 ) || ( y + ENEMY_B_HEIGHT > SCREEN_HEIGHT )) { //Move back y -= yVel; } } //Enemy_B show(); function void Enemy_B::show() { //show the Dot apply_surface(x - camera.x, y - camera.y, enemy_B, screen); } //Enemy_C implementations //Enemy_C constructor Enemy_C::Enemy_C() { //init the offsets and dims x = 0; y = 0; //int the velocity xVel = 0; yVel = 0; } //Enemy_C move() function void Enemy_C::move() { //Move the dot left or right x += xVel; //If the dot went too far to the left or right or has collided with the other shapes if( ( x < 0 ) || ( x + ENEMY_C_WIDTH > SCREEN_WIDTH )) { //Move back x -= xVel; } //Move the dot up or down y += yVel; //If the dot went too far up or down or has collided with the other shapes if( ( y < 0 ) || ( y + ENEMY_C_HEIGHT > SCREEN_HEIGHT )) { //Move back y -= yVel; } } //Enemy_C show(); function void Enemy_C::show() { //show the Dot apply_surface(x - camera.x, y - camera.y, enemy_C, screen); } //Enemy_D implementions //Enemy_D constructor Enemy_D::Enemy_D() { //init the offsets and dims x = 0; y = 0; //int the velocity xVel = 0; yVel = 0; } //Enemy_D move() function void Enemy_D::move() { //Move the dot left or right x += xVel; //If the dot went too far to the left or right or has collided with the other shapes if( ( x < 0 ) || ( x + ENEMY_D_WIDTH > SCREEN_WIDTH )) { //Move back x -= xVel; } //Move the dot up or down y += yVel; //If the dot went too far up or down or has collided with the other shapes if( ( y < 0 ) || ( y + ENEMY_D_HEIGHT > SCREEN_HEIGHT )) { //Move back y -= yVel; } } //dot show(); function void Enemy_D::show() { //show the Dot apply_surface(x - camera.x, y - camera.y, enemy_D, screen); } //Timer implementation Timer::Timer() { //Initialize the variables startTicks = 0; pausedTicks = 0; paused = false; started = false; } void Timer::start() { //Start the timer started = true; //Unpause the timer paused = false; //Get the current clock time startTicks = SDL_GetTicks(); } void Timer::stop() { //Stop the timer started = false; //Unpause the timer paused = false; } void Timer::pause() { //If the timer is running and isn't already paused if( ( started == true ) && ( paused == false ) ) { //Pause the timer paused = true; //Calculate the paused ticks pausedTicks = SDL_GetTicks() - startTicks; } } void Timer::unpause() { //If the timer is paused if( paused == true ) { //Unpause the timer paused = false; //Reset the starting ticks startTicks = SDL_GetTicks() - pausedTicks; //Reset the paused ticks pausedTicks = 0; } } int Timer::get_ticks() { //If the timer is running if( started == true ) { //If the timer is paused if( paused == true ) { //Return the number of ticks when the the timer was paused return pausedTicks; } else { //Return the current time minus the start time return SDL_GetTicks() - startTicks; } } //If the timer isn't running return 0; } bool Timer::is_started() { return started; } bool Timer::is_paused() { return paused; } void show_story() { } void easter_egg() { } void play_level1() { apply_surface( 0, 0, level_1B, screen,&camera); Player newPlayer; newPlayer.set_life(30); if(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: newPlayer.handle_input(); break; } }; } void show_company() { //Apply the company logo apply_surface( 0, 0, company_logo, screen ); } void show_credits() { } void show_title() { apply_surface(0,0,intro_background,screen); set_buttonClips(); Button newButton (200,200,120,40); Button storyButton (200,240,120,40); Button creditsButton(200,280,120,40); Button exitButton (200,320,120,40); if(SDL_WaitEvent(&event)) { newButton.handle_newGame(); storyButton.handle_story(); creditsButton.handle_credits(); exitButton.handle_exit(); if(event.type == SDL_QUIT) { //Quit program quit = true; } } newButton.show_newGame(); storyButton.show_story(); creditsButton.show_credits(); exitButton.show_exit(); } //****************************************************************** //****************************************************************** //* MAIN FUNCTION * //****************************************************************** //****************************************************************** int main( int argc, char* args[] ) { //Frame rate cap timer Timer fps; //Game Over flag bool game_over = false; //Initialize if( init() == false ) { return 1; } //Load the files if( load_files() == false ) { return 1; } //Make the timer Timer myTimer; //Make the player Player newPlayer; //Make the bullet Bullet newBullet; //Start the timer myTimer.start(); //While the user hasn't quit while( quit == false ) { fps.start(); show_company(); if(myTimer.get_ticks() > 800) { show_title(); //play_level1(); } //While there's an event to handle while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) { //If the user has Xed out the window if( event.type == SDL_QUIT ) { //Quit the program quit = true; } } //Update the screen if( SDL_Flip( screen ) == -1 ) { return 1; } //Cap the frame rate with fps while(fps.get_ticks() < 1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND) { //wait... } } //Clean up clean_up(); return 0; }

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