Particle Systems Tutorial

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3 comments, last by K_64 17 years, 6 months ago
Hi guys! I'm looking for particle systems tutorial especially those that relate to allegro game library. I want to try a few and choose which ones would fit into my game(2D Sidescrolling shooter). I prefer those that has explosion, laser or anything else related to fire and light. Thank you!
We should never stop learning...
I don't know of any specific Tutorials for Particle Engines in Allegro, not that I've been looking. To get you thinking though, I'll give you a rundown on the types of variables you might need when modelling an actual particle. Once you know the variables you need to make a single particle work, you can probably figure out the rest for yourself (Modelling a collection of Particles, for instance).

Position- Position of Particle.
ActingForce- Force currently being applied to Particle. Every update, Position += ActingForce, basically.
Bounce- How much the particle will bounce when it hits another object (eg Ground)
Weight- Weight of the Particle. Heavier = Falls Faster.
Size- Mostly for Aesthetic purposes. You wouldn't want all particles to be of uniform size would you :)?
Drag (or Drag Coefficient)- Vertical and Horizontal drag applied to Object. That is, ActingForce += -(ActingForce * Drag). So a particle with a high 'Drag' will not be able to acheive a high speed (You could think of this as how 'Aerodynamic' the particle is).
Color- Color of Particles. For more variety, specify a Min/Max color. For even more, specify a 'Fade'/'Change' color. IE, evey update, Color += FadeColor.
Age- Current Age and Max age of Particle. Have a Min/Max die age, so not all particle die at exactly the same time.

Anyway, thats just a (reasonably) quick list. I'm sure you can apply your Allegro knowledge with it to make a decent Particle System.

Good Luck :)

Also, note: I'm only 16, and haven't done any Physics at school yet, so some stuff I said might not be right (Do heavier objects fall faster, or is it to do with Mass, or Resistance or something? lol).
And I'm 21 :)

Thanks! I actually already had that in my mind but wasn't confident enough to actually implement it.

Anyway... I was thinking of my class structure. Perhaps someone could help me more with this one then?

If I have a class Sprite, then I have other classes which is Ship and Enemy and other classes also derive from these two...

Sprite -> Ship -> DerivedShipClass

Sprite -> Enemy -> DerivedEnemyClass

then perhaps I will have a class Particle that also derives from Sprite

Sprite -> Particle

A particle when would be like for instance, a single dot. If I had to make let's say 600 particles then where should I store these 600 particles? What I have in mind right now is like

a vector member in class Sprite?
a vector member in class Ship/Enemy or derived class?

What do you think guys? Thanks!
We should never stop learning...
I'd write a ParticleEmitter class or something along that line, that manages the lifetime and updating of the particles it emits (whether those are dots or Sprites or whatever). Whenever you detect a collision or such, you simply create a ParticleEmitter instance and give it some basic instructions, like how many particles to emit per second, how long to stay active, etc.
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I'd say keep it entirely separate from the Player/Enemy classes.

I propose: Particle Engine-> Collection of Particle Emitters-> Collection of Particles.

Allow Particle Emitters to either have a static location, or allow them to be 'attached' onto Player/Enemy classes (Thru a Pointer to the Player/Enemy, and just render the emitter at the Player/Enemys location).

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