A few questions to get me started.

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6 comments, last by JBourrie 17 years, 5 months ago
Here's the deal, I've never made a game or even attempted making one before but I have been wanting to make one for a long time. I mean, I tried to download some game making programs but it didn't really help me at all. I have a few questions below that I'm sure will help me get started. 1. I want to make a basic RPG with just a few fighting skills to work with until I know what I'm doing. Which way should I go in to make a game like this, such as programs and etc. 2. How hard would you think it will be for a starter to learn enough to make a basic game with about 3 fighting skills for this game, making the landscaping, the characters and a few basic monsters? 3. What would be the most easiest and yet best outcome program to use to create the landscaping, characters and monsters, and buildings? I will be answering all my questions in this thread so I don't spam the boards with questions. Thank you very much.
If you know C/C++
I would recommend starting out with SDL, which is a simple 2D game API that includes basic graphics, sound, input, networking, etc. There are plenty of tutorials online, but I learned from the book Focus on SDL, one of the many Ernest Pazera books that helped me learn game development (Give a shout-out to the EP!) [grin]

If you don't know C/C++
I would recommend avoiding C++ for a while, even though it is the "standard" language used in games. It is overcomplicated for a beginning programmer. A very good language to start with is Python, and the Pygame API is an SDL extension for Python. There is a book about Python game development, but it assumes that you have already learned the Python language.

If you're more interested in designing games than learning programming
Torque Game Builder is a fully featured 2D game engine that is ridiculously powerful and reasonably priced. Very little code is needed to get something up and running, though it uses TorqueScript as a programming language when you need more direct control. It can help you learn about game design and basic programming, and make it easier to later step into the hard, cold world of C++.

Check out my new game Smash and Dash at:


This forum seems to be very C++ oriented, which makes sense for those looking to make full fledged, high-end games. For what you described though, Flash would be a good way to go.

Flash supports objects and graphics out of the box, and supports the action script language, that is based on &#106avascript (this isn't actually correct, but correct enough). Writing a game in Flash is much easier than C++, and things such as graphics and networking are already built in. There are tons of books, examples and articles for it, and a Flash game is a lot easier to distribute than one made in C++ or Java. With Flash, you don't have to worry about the platform of your users, since the Flash player has been ported to ever operating system that is even slightly popular. Flash programs run better than Java programs on the same hardware, the Flash 'run time' is magnitudes smaller than Java's, Flash takes up less ram them Java, is more widely supported in browsers, and doesn't screw up scrolling in certain browsers. Flash also has great support for vector graphics, which mean really small file sizes if distributed online.
I think there's to much blood in my caffeine system.
I have very little knowledge in any programming languages. I just know somewhat html, I have 2 html, and 1 &#106avascript books. Thanks, I'll check that out, any other feedback?
Flash is good, but a bit expensive to get started on. If you have the cash (or access to it through your school or something) it is a good direction to go :)

Check out my new game Smash and Dash at:


I have Macromedia Flash Pro 8 now. Does anybody have any screenshots of any rpg games anybody has made with flash? What is a game engine?

[Edited by - PJCD on November 27, 2006 5:49:09 PM]
Quote:Original post by PJCD
I have Macromedia Flash Pro 8 now. Does anybody have any screenshots of any rpg games anybody has made with flash? What is a game engine?

Adobe bought Macromedia, I believe it is Adobe Flash now.

Flash Zelda: http://www.geocities.com/mclelun/rpg.html .

A game engine is a set of libraries, dll's and other types of code that simplify the task of creating a game, and are typically aimed a certain genre of game. They work off the fact that games generally share common elements, and those elements become more common the more the genre is narrowed down. A game engine for a 3d shooter might contain an already built graphics engine, collision detection system and support for different 3d models. Biggest downside to a game engine is the price, the limited nature of them, and that what you are learning becomes obsolete if the game engine changes / gets abandoned / sucks.
I think there's to much blood in my caffeine system.
Game Engine
In simpler terms, it's all of the code that a game runs on that is not specific to that particular game (Graphics, Sound, Input, Content pipeline, sometimes Physics). A well designed engine could be used for multiple games without rewriting any of the drawing, loading, etc routines.

Some examples of games made in Flash is on their own website

Another great example of what some clever use of Flash can do (along with some tutorials on how it was done) is:
Plus it's a really, really great game.

Check out my new game Smash and Dash at:


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