6 hour game competion, looking for your thoughts.

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73 comments, last by Saluk 17 years, 4 months ago
Quote:Original post by Saluk
So let me get this straight, we can make any game we want, there isn't a theme or anything?

Pretty much, yeah. You just have to keep it within 6 hours, but you are allowed to break those six hours into segments if you need/want to. For instance, I'll probably have to code in two 3-hour segments, as I might need to run to the store around noon-ish.
Posting to say that I just started. 9 AM
Ok, I'll have a go at it! I'm going to be making a roguelike with a focus on quests and quest generation rather than on the combat or world part of things. As I don't have any experience with text-mode I will be using really bad graphics instead :) At the end of the 6 hours I hope to at least have a generator that produces finishable games, I don't know how much of the sub-game systems I will have time for. I probably won't start any actual work until when I get home from school at around 6-ish, so I might only get 4 or 5 hours, but that should be enough to accomplish what I want to accomplish.

Arg, it snowed and all of the University of Washington campuses are closed except mine. My school *never* closes.
Quote:Original post by Saluk
Arg, it snowed and all of the University of Washington campuses are closed except mine. My school *never* closes.

I know that feeling, my old school never closes either. It never snows here, unfortunatly.

Good luck with your game.
Taking a break, 10:50.
My first hour is done, you can track my progress here: http://6hour.wikispaces.com/entrants%2CSaluk
(shows clear hours and general ideas of what I'm doing)

or here:
(shows general progress and more details of what I'm doing)

can checkout here: svn://svn.spinheaddev.com/6hour-1/trunk
(haven't done anything *visible* yet but looking through generator.py can give a good idea of where I'm heading)

Currently taking a longish break to work on my *real* project for a while, since I have all of this free time that I made for myself ;)
Starting up again. 1:45 (PM)
Game finished, and compiled in release mode, now uploading. 6:00 PM


Okay, here's the download.(432 KB) I did quite a bit better than I did last time, and actually like how this turned out. No music/sound though, I forgot it until the end, but probably wouldn't have had time to add it anyway.
While playing...
Main screen

[Edited by - Servant of the Lord on January 11, 2007 8:52:05 PM]
Looks cool SOTL, but it won't run for me. It says I need tiff.dll.

Can't figure out what's going on in the screenshot either, hehe. I like the background a lot thoguh.
Quote:Original post by Saluk
Looks cool SOTL, but it won't run for me. It says I need tiff.dll.

Download (845 KB)
This download contains several .DLLs that might be required. (tiff.dll included)
Quote:Can't figure out what's going on in the screenshot either, hehe. I like the background a lot thoguh.

Thanks. I just drew several lines of bricks and copy+pasted alot. [smile]

The top pic shows me playing(Or rather just beggining to play, as both scoes are zero). What happens is a box falls to the ground, and you must grab it with your cursor and drag it to your side(right side). The longer you keep it there, the more points you get. The computer, a reversed mouse-cursor, will try and pull the box to his side of the screen(left side) and hold it there. Whoever has the most points once the time runs out wins.
The lower picture shows the main screen. It has the final score of the previous round visible in the background, the button labeled 'Click to play' to start the game, and four textboxes that let you alter a few variables for the round. You can alter the gravity, which determines how fast the box falls; the drag-speed, the higher the number, the faster it is to drag the box; the enemy speed, which only refers to when he's not grabbing onto the box, and finally the time limit of the game.(In seconds) The amounts shown in the screen-shot are the default values.

Backspace restarts the game(Bringing you back to the start-screen), and 'Esc' exits. Other than that(and the textboxes), the game is played only with the mouse. Those lights in the background light up when the box is in your scoring area, or your enemy's.
That's pretty much it; I hadn't thought of a name for it, so I left it unnamed.
Cool, that's a neat idea. I don't have a good surface to play it though! I can't even get the box over on my side of the level. It's crazy. There is little hope for me to finish mine, but now that I have a few unrestricted hours I suppose I can give it a shot. But then I need to go to bed.

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