3d game concepts confusion

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2 comments, last by monkeyFace 17 years, 3 months ago
Hi everyone. I have been lurking here for awhile and puttering around with writing very simple little games. This stuff is fascinating. Much cooler than the code I write to pay the bills. I am a little bit fuzzy on some terminology and concepts though and I'm hoping you can help explain them to me. I dont feel im ready to put 3d stuff to use quite yet, I'm having fun with asteroids atm, but a high level understanding will help me get to sleep at night again! Is a scene class usually an entire game level or an area around the player that changes with the players movement? Or is it the Frustum? Knowing this will clear up quite a few things for me. Then I can throw out some follow up questions that arent based on assumptions and guesses. Thanks!
Generally speaking, the scene refers to all objects in the level as a group.

The frustum is just a set of six planes that describe the boundaries of the area that the camera can see: 4 planes for the top, left, bottom, and right edges; 2 planes for the near and far limits of the view. These planes are used for things like allowing the renderer to quickly reject objects that are outside the camera's view.
Moved to For Beginners.
Depends on what you are dealing with. As far as games go a scene usually refers to everything in a level currently being played. Everything in a level is usually a part of the scene. The geometry, models, scripts, camera, all make up the scene. it's not just what you are seeing on the screen, or what the camera is projecting.

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