Decals... Projecting textures

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2 comments, last by 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi. I need to put a decal on the mesh. The problem is that i couldn't find any good help on this problem. For example: i have textured landscape mesh and i need to put an explosion decal on it (on the next texture stage). Decal should be placed exactly in the rectangle i define as two vectors (left-botom, right-top). Hope you've got the idea. I tried different methods i could came up with but none worked out :( Please provide me with some code samples if it's possible. Thx alot. Oh yeah, i don't want to copy surfaces for this effect.
i make the game so i be ballin
still not solved...
i make the game so i be ballin
bumpin thread again...

I mean: bullet holes, skid marks, shadows etc.
i make the game so i be ballin
I just did this in our project and I used this for my guide:

Eric Lengyel, "Applying Decals to Arbitrary Surfaces"
in Game Programming Gems 2

Essentially you provide a rectangular volume and clip all the geometry to it, then you take the resuling triangles and project a texture onto it. Sounds like a lot of work but it isn't. I spent most of the time implimenting my AABB versus triangle mesh code just to get the triangles to clip against. Once I finished that, the clipper itself is a standard sutherland-hodgeman clip and the projection is planar based on an up vector & a right vector. The memory management for our system was a bit of work, too, since I can't do dynamic allocation in our project and had to store worse-case buckets of triangle data, but that's another story.

Don't know any easier way to do it for abritrary geometry. Next step: clip skinmeshes and create new skinmesh geometry that follows the character with decals! YIKES!

- Sphet

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