Conversation tree

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1 comment, last by zigboy 17 years, 2 months ago
I want to make a conversation tree to work on a small device (cell phone). It works like most NPC conversations with decisions and branches and possible global game variables affecting branches. I assume I would use a tree unless there's a more optimal way? Does anyone know any articles and websites I can look at for more information? I understand trees but am fairly new to using them besides what I did in school. Thanks!
If you're not going to have any cycles, a tree should probably be ideal.

Even if you are going to have cycles in the conversation, a tree will work okay. Just be careful when you're loading it.

In the past, I've done the "say the magic word" conversation systems in an assembly-style syntax and stored a pointer to the subtree in a hashmap, but I assume yours is just a standard SCUMM-style conversation tree.

Most of your work will probably be designing and loading "meta" nodes (game variables, etc) and knowing when to evaluate them.
Actually I just want a multiple choice decisions rather than "guess the word".
Also, is there a more authentic term for "multiple choice branching conversation trees" that I can google for?


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