Dynamic Memory Allocation - help needed

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15 comments, last by Wardyahh 17 years, 1 month ago
But I would suggest that you try and find the error in the original code anyway. Even if you won't be using it, it's still a good idea to take the opportunity to learn from your mistake.

You could for example print something out at the places where you've written "INSERT ERROR MESSAGE HERE" [smile]. If you don't get anything from that you could always step through the program with the debugger.

And finally some nit-picking. What's up with those enums?
It's a good idea to use enums instead of magic constants, but magic enums isn't much better. You should try and give them more descriptive names instead of writing a comment about them. But that's only my opinion.
worked like a dream thx a lot

--------------------------------------EvilMonkeySoft Blog
i had a similar problem with initialising images, and fixed it by moving the allocation to a seperate function that is called when the Opengl interface is initialised (i'm using win32 and WGL)that fixed it,although i'm not sure why.
But that was because i was using Gl calls before the gl interface was initialised. but i have no idea why allocation isnt working in the constructor because it doesnt involve gl calls.

another problem i came across before when i was playing with Windows wrappers was that some of the windows functions and members had problems being accessed or initialised from within a class but i never did find out why:)
--------------------------------------EvilMonkeySoft Blog
Here are a few more suggestions to improve your code:

1) Your two c'tors for the Inventory class are identical - remove the first c'tor and give default values to the parameters of the second. That way you'll avoid duplicate code.

2) All sub-classes of Item initialize the same members in the c'tors. You should instead call the base class c'tor in the c'tor's initializer list. This can also help minimize errors by avoiding duplicate code.
Now that you're using vector, I found this tutorial very helpful:


Good luck solving your problem.
Dark Sylinc
Quote:Original post by Wardyahh
but i am on a tight deadline for this project

I hope you'll forgive me for doubting that. (If you're a beginner, working on what's evidently a beginner project, who's making you get it done by any particular time?)

Quote:and dont have time to be adding things i dont know.

The total time for learning std::vector and getting it working is likely to be less than the total time for getting it working the hard way without learning anything. Really. Trust me on this one.

Anyway, umm... wow... that's... a lot of code. Let's see if I can't give you some ideas for cutting it down to size :) And also making use of some standard idioms. (Do keep in mind that I've barely gotten started here... but to do everything up, I would need a fair amount of time and to ask a few deeper questions about what everything is supposed to be.)

// #pragma once is compiler-specific; here's the usual way#ifndef INVENTORY_H#define INVENTORY_H#include "Item.h"#include <vector>// Some notes on my formatting style: I tend to omit lots of things that aren't// necessary, and I really like my indentation to match scope, so I never// outdent 'public' or 'private', nor indent 'case' blocks.template <typename Item>struct InventorySlot {	Item kind;	int howMany;	InventorySlot() : Item(), howMany(0) {}};class Inventory {	// I wouldn't put the Item_ tags on the class names, but I'm not about to	// edit all your other code to reflect that :P	std::vector<InventorySlot<Item_Potion> > potions;	std::vector<InventorySlot<Item_MonsterDrop> > drops;	std::vector<InventorySlot<Item_Base> > bases;	std::vector<InventorySlot<Item_Upgrade> > upgrades;	std::vector<InventorySlot<Item_Weapon> > weapons;	std::vector<InventorySlot<Item_Armour> > armours;	public:	// An argument can be made for not adding things until you know you will	// need them. Personally I don't add things until I have some idea how to	// implement them.	// Also, we aren't going to need a destructor, since std::vector will do	// the work for us, so I got rid of that.	// Try to do as much as you can with the initializer list. It is common in	// C++ that you can in fact do everything here and leave the constructor	// body empty.	Inventory() : potions(5), drops(10), bases(10), upgrades(6), weapons(4), armours(4) {}	Inventory(int PotionSlots, int DropSlots, int BaseSlots, int UpgradeSlots, int WeaponSlots, int ArmourSlots) : potions(PotionSlots), drops(DropSlots), bases(BaseSlots), upgrades(UpgradeSlots), weapons(WeaponSlots), armours(ArmourSlots) {}	// I think the 'To's in the function names here were a bit sketchy. :)	bool AddPotion(Item_Potion Item);	bool AddPotion(Item_Potion Item, int Slot);	bool AddMonsterDrop(Item_MonsterDrop Item);	bool AddMonsterDrop(Item_MonsterDrop Item, int Slot);	bool AddBase(Item_Base Item);	bool AddBase(Item_Base Item, int Slot);	bool AddUpgrade(Item_Upgrade Item);	bool AddUpgrade(Item_Upgrade Item, int Slot);	bool AddWeapon(Item_Weapon Item);	bool AddWeapon(Item_Weapon Item, int Slot);	bool AddArmour(Item_Armour Item);	bool AddArmour(Item_Armour Item,int Slot);};#include "Inventory.h"// Aargh aargh aargh. C++ has real constants. Use them:const int POTION_STACK_LIMIT 10;const int DROP_STACK_LIMIT 20;const int BASE_STACK_LIMIT 20;const int UPGRADE_STACK_LIMIT 2;const int WEAPON_STACK_LIMIT 1;const int ARMOUR_STACK_LIMIT 1;// Passing arguments by const reference is probably a good idea here.bool Inventory::AddPotion(const Item_Potion& Item) {	// If you need a comment to explain what a variable is for, then the name is	// not good enough.	bool already_in_bag = false;	bool will_fit_in_bag = false;	bool space_in_bag = false;	// You don't need any enumeration here nor a 'situation' variable. What you're	// doing is checking conditions in order to set a value, and then checking	// the value to decide what to do. This is trivially replaced by checking	// the conditions in order to decide what to do. :)	// (Also, there is no way in the original code that 'Situation' could have	// been left invalid, and even if your coding style allows for 'impossible'	// default cases, you should handle them with an assertion instead.)	// We don't need to comment the loops; the purpose is obvious.	// And anyway, why loop twice? We can consider a slot for multiple properties	// at once...	// In fact, the whole process is much too complicated, now that I look at it.	// All we need to do is examine each slot, and see if it will accomodate the	// item. Instead of remembering *whether* there is an empty slot or a	// matched slot, and then looking for it later, we will look for the *first*	// empty slot, and the *first* slot which has room and holds the same item	// type.	// 'iterators' are objects that wrap up the process of indexing repeatedly	// into a vector. They pretend to be pointers; when we "increment" them, they	// start pointing to the next element of the vector, and when we "dereference"	// them, we get the corresponding element. We can initialize them to point	// at the beginning element with the .begin() member function of the vector,	// or to "one past the end" with .end(). 	// One-past-the-end iterators are in fact very useful: they make proper loop	// bounds that we can check with != rather than <= (for some kinds of 	// containers, '<' might not be meaningful - you might only be able to 	// compare for equality), conventionally represent "not found" elements, and	// the "distance" from begin to end equals the size of the container. It's 	// analogous to 'int array[10]; int* end = array + 10;' - you can't	// dereference that pointer validly, but it's a very meaningful concept.	typedef std::vector<InventorySlot<Item_Potion> >::iterator iterator;	iterator first_compatible_slot = potions.end();	iterator first_empty_slot = potions.end();	// The procedure is:	// For each slot:	//	If we haven't already found the first compatible slot, is this it?	//	Otherwise, if we haven't already found the first empty slot, is this it?	// Then, if we found a compatible slot, use it; else if we found an empty	// slot, use that; if that doesn't work, it just doesn't fit.	for (iterator it = potions.begin(); it != potions.end(); ++it) {		if (first_compatible_slot = potions.end() &&		    it->kind.GetID() == Item.GetID() && it->howMany < POTION_STACK_LIMIT) {			first_compatible_slot = it;		} else if (first_empty_slot == potions.end() && it->howMany == 0) {			first_empty_slot = it;		}	}	if (first_compatible_slot != potions.end()) {		first_compatible_slot->howMany += 1;		return true;	} else if (first_empty_slot != potions.end()) {		// OK, this part also REALLY needs to be fixed, but I can't do it locally.		// It is possible that all you need to do is assign the object with '='		// directly. If not, then what we'll do is write an "assignment operator"		// which makes that possible. In which case we will also need a		// "copy constructor" and destructor for the Item_Potion. But chances are,		// if we "need" them for this, you would have needed them for something		// eventually anyway, or else all kinds of strange things would start		// happening. Trust me.		Item_Potion& to_assign = first_empty_slot->kind;		to_assign.SetDesc(Item.GetDesc());		to_assign.SetDropSprite(Item.GetDropSprite());		to_assign.SetID(Item.GetID());		to_assign.SetInventorySprite(Item.GetInventorySprite());		to_assign.SetName(Item.GetName());		to_assign.SetRestoreValue(Item.GetRestoreValue());		first_empty_slot->howMany = 1;		return true;	}	// if we get here, the item does not fit in the bag.	return false;}bool Inventory::AddPotion(Item_Potion Item, int Slot) {	// We don't need to chain the if's together here because we're already	// using bail-out logic.	if (potions[Slot].kind.GetID() == Item.GetID() &&			potions[Slot].howMany < POTION_STACK_LIMIT) {		potions[Slot].howMany += 1;		return true;	}		if (potions[Slot].howMany == 0) {		Item_Potion& to_assign = potions[Slot].kind;		to_assign.SetDesc(Item.GetDesc());		to_assign.SetDropSprite(Item.GetDropSprite());		to_assign.SetID(Item.GetID());		to_assign.SetInventorySprite(Item.GetInventorySprite());		to_assign.SetName(Item.GetName());		to_assign.SetRestoreValue(Item.GetRestoreValue());		potions[Slot].howMany = 1;		return true;	}		return false;}// Similarly for other functions.// Although, the fact that we're repeating it for the other kinds of things// in turn points to *more* design problems :)

Basically, I suspect you're getting wayyy ahead of yourself x.x
the project is for university coursework an the reason it is so shoddily put together, which i am well aware of :) is that we have a tight deadline as it is, and i am doing the group coursework solo(as the other members have dropped the course). the actual coursework is marked on everything but the quality of the code(strangely enough) and so its pretty much " as long as it works"

it baffles me why any course on programming should set a coursework that makes a point of not marking the code.

although you are right that i am probably way ahead of myself but i learn quicker by doing something hard and just hitting at it until it works and usually i can work things out on my own.

after looking at the implementation of std::vector i do realise it is quite a bit simpler than i had first expected but usually changing something at the last minute for some standard or technique you dont know(or dont have time to research properly) will get you in trouble.

now i can (and will) make it neater,tidier and add error checking etc, as soon as i have handed in the ugly working version.

i have lots of code and i have seen lots of places i can optimise and re-write for better understanding and flow but the reality is i just dont have time to do it at the moment and as it will get me no extra marks with the grading scheme, no inclination either.

in essence it is something i threw together in a hurry with no other choice and little experience so yes.....it does suck, but as long as it works it will get marked favourably

while i cant condone an "as long as it works" methodology, i really dont have much choice at the moment :)

that being said i do very much appreciate the time you put into optimising my code as there is a lot i can learn from it, being only a relative beginner i am always grateful for techniques or help people can teach me .

once i have finished and optimised everything i will make sure i post it in the showcase(should it be showcase worthy) and by the looks of it i'll probably need to add you to the credits :)
--------------------------------------EvilMonkeySoft Blog

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