Scheme-like ML with macros?

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19 comments, last by Daerax 17 years ago
Greetings, So I kinda cheated and read a bit about macros, as well as some advanced Scheme code. In my mind, I keep comparing the code to OCaml (the only ML-derived language I've studied), and can't help but prefer OCaml for mainly 2 reasons: 1. Improved syntax (Or just the mere existence of "syntax"). Scheme has almost no syntax, and that's somewhat appreciable while learning the language. Some would argue that parentheses aren't a big deal with smart editors, but I usually find the equivalent ML syntax much more readable and enjoyable. For example: let. In Scheme, I just keep messing it up. The equivalent let ... in ... syntax of ML is quite more clear, and doesn't even need a syntax-highlighting, bracket-matching editor to be readable. 2. Static typing. I feel closer at home here, and I generally like type inference systems. So, I was wondering what ML-like languages out there (as in: satisfying the above 2 points) come with the ability to customize the syntax (macros or otherwise)? For OCaml, I've been reading How to customize the syntax of OCaml, using Camlp4 and I've been enjoying it, although it gets a bit difficult at times. What about others? Is syntax customization oft-used in the OCaml/ML commerical software world?

Coming from Scheme to ML, you lose first-class continuations (although some implementations of Standard ML have them) and hygienic macros, and gain an expressive type system. This is a great trade-off in my opinion (if it isn't obvious by now, I'm a static typing fan).

Along with the Camlp4 tool for OCaml, there is Nemerle's macro system and MacroML.

From a programming language perspective, support for syntax transformation doesn't really bring you anything new. There is a lot of research into multi-staging, though, which lets you write code that executes at different times (the real power Lisp macros add to a language is letting you do this to a degree). See MetaOCaml for example.
Quote:Original post by Rebooted
Coming from Scheme to ML, you lose first-class continuations (although some implementations of Standard ML have them) and hygienic macros, and gain an expressive type system. This is a great trade-off in my opinion (if it isn't obvious by now, I'm a static typing fan).

Wouldn't OCaml's Ocamlp4 count as a hygienic macro thingy? Or were you strictly talking about ML?

Also, what's the difference between first-class continuations and non-first-class ones? The Wikipedia entry mentions only re-invocable and escapable continuations as classifications.

Quote:Along with the Camlp4 tool for OCaml, there is Nemerle's macro system and MacroML.

Thanks for the Nemerle link. I've checked out Nemerle before, but strangely enough I disliked the C-like syntax (I'm moving to the dark side, I guess). As for MacroML, I could only find the paper (which is interesting, although I've not finished it yet). Is there no public release of it yet?

Quote:From a programming language perspective, support for syntax transformation doesn't really bring you anything new.

What matters is that it can automate writing a lot of repititive code--that's the sole purpose of syntax transformation, right?
Are there any other uses for syntax transformation/macros?

Quote:There is a lot of research into multi-staging, though, which lets you write code that executes at different times (the real power Lisp macros add to a language is letting you do this to a degree). See MetaOCaml for example.

I'm still reading this multi-staging paper, so I don't understand what you're saying. I'll be back when I'm done with the paper.

Quote:Original post by Muhammad Haggag
Quote:Original post by Rebooted
Coming from Scheme to ML, you lose first-class continuations (although some implementations of Standard ML have them) and hygienic macros, and gain an expressive type system. This is a great trade-off in my opinion (if it isn't obvious by now, I'm a static typing fan).

Wouldn't OCaml's Ocamlp4 count as a hygienic macro thingy? Or were you strictly talking about ML?

Ocamlp4 isn't hygienic.

(* *)open Pcaml;;EXTEND  expr: LEVEL "expr1"    [[ "foo"; e1 = expr; "bar" ->          <:expr< let baz = 42 in $e1$ >> ]];END;;

And then:
(* *)let baz = 69 in  print_int baz  foo print_int baz; bar;

This outputs 6942, because the "baz" symbol inside the macro is the same "baz" symbol used in It expands to:

let baz = 69 in  print_int baz  let baz = 42 in    print_int baz;

A hygienic ocampl4 would expand the code using two different "baz" symbols; I'll call them baz0 and baz1.

let baz0 = 69 in  print_int baz0  let baz1 = 42 in    print_int baz0;

In this instance, the output would be 6969, and you'd get a warning about the unused baz1. In a language with unhygienic macros, it's possible to implement a hygienic macro system on top of the unhygienic one. This is left as an exercise for the reader.
Also, what's the difference between first-class continuations and non-first-class ones? The Wikipedia entry mentions only re-invocable and escapable continuations as classifications.

A first-class continuation is a continuation that is also a first-class object: you can pass it around like any other object.

Many languages have non-first-class continuation-like objects which can't be copied; the ability to continue them is limited by the scope in which their names appear: examples include named goto, case, and switch and break labels.

There are also non-first-class continuation-like objects which aren't even nameable. These include unnamed switch, break, return and catch targets.
Quote:From a programming language perspective, support for syntax transformation doesn't really bring you anything new.

What matters is that it can automate writing a lot of repititive code--that's the sole purpose of syntax transformation, right?
Are there any other uses for syntax transformation/macros?

Certainly. Macros are particularly useful when they aren't simply automating the writing of a lot of repetitive code. If that's all you wanted, you could use the C preprocessor!

Macros are useful for code compression. Often that means removing repetitive code, but it just as often means removing non-repetitive but predictable code. For example, one could implement OCamlP4 syntax for regular expressions.

Consider this regular expression for URIs:

(?:([^:+]*):)?   # Scheme(?:\/\/          # Authority  (?:([^@]*)@)?  #   User-Info  ([^:\/]*)      #   Host  (?::([^\/]*))? #   Port)?(\/?[^?#]*)      # Path(?:\?([^#]*))?   # Query-Info(?:#(.*))?       # Fragment

This expression should match most URIs of interest, and split them into their components.

If we had to write that by hand in C or C++ (of course, in reality we should use PCRE or something equivalent) the code would be quite a bit longer, probably slow, boring to write, and not particularly easy to write. Figuring out the state machine for a complex regular expression can be quite tricky, but it's nothing a computer can't do for itself in a fraction of a second.

In the case of a simple regular expression, although it's clear we derive great benefit from using a domain-specific language, there's no compelling reason not to compile it into an FSM at runtime.

let x = get_value() inlet y a b = fun -> ... inlet z = SELECT * FROM table WHERE row1 = x and row2 < x or y(row3, x) in  ...;;

This example mixes SQL and OCaml. Depending upon the SQL backend, the call to y might be applied later to those rows where row2 !< x, after the rows where row1 = x have been extracted. When running in an in-process implementation of SQL which supports callbacks, OTOH, calls to y might be executed right then, potentially greatly reducing the amount of data the system has to lug around. Yet another implementation might allow a version of y to be uploaded to the server.

mixes C#, SQL and XML. Browsing the documentation shows examples of expressitivity granted by the mixture. For example, one can apply select statements to normal arrays of structs as well as databases. This allows data representations to be particularly agile: data can be moved from structs into a database, or vice versa, without any of the code which accesses it needing to know it moved.

The particular advantage of macros is that they allow this expressitivity to be added to a language without the compiler needing to be modified.
Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation!
If possible, drop by the workshop every now and then.

Quote:Original post by Nathan Baum
In a language with unhygienic macros, it's possible to implement a hygienic macro system on top of the unhygienic one. This is left as an exercise for the reader.

The solution would be to use a unique symbol generating function in the macro, as in MacLisp's "gensym". Right?

Quote:Original post by Muhammad Haggag
Quote:Original post by Nathan Baum
In a language with unhygienic macros, it's possible to implement a hygienic macro system on top of the unhygienic one. This is left as an exercise for the reader.

The solution would be to use a unique symbol generating function in the macro, as in MacLisp's "gensym". Right?

That's sufficient far most cases, but for a complete hygienic macro system, macros should capture the lexical environment in which they are declared.

For example:

let x = ref 12;;EXTEND  expr: LEVEL "expr1" ENVIRONMENT env    [[ "FOO"; e1 = expr; ->       <:expr< x := !x + $e1$ >> ]];END;;let x = 42 in  FOO x;;print_int !x;

With hygienic macros, this should output 54. (Without them, it should fail to compile, since there's no way for the macro's expansion - "x := !x + x" - to be valid.) The solution is to replace "x" in the macro definition with the actual value of x. I don't know how to do that with OCamlP4, so the reader gets another exercise.
Quote:Original post by Rebooted
From a programming language perspective, support for syntax transformation doesn't really bring you anything new. There is a lot of research into multi-staging, though, which lets you write code that executes at different times (the real power Lisp macros add to a language is letting you do this to a degree). See MetaOCaml for example.

OK, I seem to be utterly failing at reading this paper. They pack so many foreign terms that it's almost gibberish to me. For example, from the introduction:
Formalizing macros as multi-stage computations also emphasizes that the technical problems associated with macros are genuine: specifying the denotational semantics of macros involves the same advanced tools as the denotational semantics for two-level, multi-level, and multi-stage languages (such as functor categories or topoi). A denotational semantic has particular relevance to realistic compilers, which invariably involves a translation phase. A compositional (denotational) semantic is generally one of the most helpful kinds of semantics in developing and verifying such compilers.

I kept trying to jump over this stuff until I hit references to alpha conversion, at which point I guessed that I'm either a complete ass, or that I should be reading up on lambda calculus from some established reference first.

I'll go with the latter for now and ask: What book(s) would you recommend on the subject, keeping in mind I've had no formal computer science education?

My initial search seems to indicate that The Lambda Calculus (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics) is the one I'm looking for. However, I'm really hoping that's not the case, because it's expensive as hell (Seriously, this book would cost me ~1/8 of my salary, and I'm among the highly paid developers in my country!)

Quote:That's sufficient far most cases, but for a complete hygienic macro system, macros should capture the lexical environment in which they are declared.


With hygienic macros, this should output 54. (Without them, it should fail to compile, since there's no way for the macro's expansion - "x := !x + x" - to be valid.) The solution is to replace "x" in the macro definition with the actual value of x. I don't know how to do that with OCamlP4, so the reader gets another exercise.

I see, thanks. Let us both pretend that I didn't see that reader exercise part though, because the Camlp4 documentation is huge, and I'm trying to finish SICP this year [smile]

Quote:Original post by Muhammad Haggag
As for MacroML, I could only find the paper (which is interesting, although I've not finished it yet). Is there no public release of it yet?
I don't think so.

Quote:OK, I seem to be utterly failing at reading this paper. They pack so many foreign terms that it's almost gibberish to me. For example, from the introduction:
Formalizing macros as multi-stage computations also emphasizes that the technical problems associated with macros are genuine: specifying the denotational semantics of macros involves the same advanced tools as the denotational semantics for two-level, multi-level, and multi-stage languages (such as functor categories or topoi). A denotational semantic has particular relevance to realistic compilers, which invariably involves a translation phase. A compositional (denotational) semantic is generally one of the most helpful kinds of semantics in developing and verifying such compilers.

I kept trying to jump over this stuff until I hit references to alpha conversion, at which point I guessed that I'm either a complete ass, or that I should be reading up on lambda calculus from some established reference first.
A denotational semantics assigns mathematical objects to programs, giving them "meaning". This can act as a formal specification that is much more robust than lengthy specifications expressed in English (like the C++ spec). I recall reading that one of the &#106avascript developers created a denotational semantics for &#106avascript, so that he could easily find problems that would be introduced by the addition of features suggested by users (and so give concrete examples for why a suggested feature is not so good). Scheme has a denotational semantics, which is given in the R5RS standard.<br><br>Alpha conversion just expresses that the naming of variables in lambdas is irrelevant, i.e. the following terms are equivalent: \x.x and \y.y.<br><br><!--QUOTE--><BLOCKQUOTE><span class="smallfont">Quote:</span><table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width="95%"><tr><td class=quote><!--/QUOTE--><!--STARTQUOTE-->I'll go with the latter for now and ask: What book(s) would you recommend &#111;n the subject, keeping in mind I've had no formal computer science education?<!--QUOTE--></td></tr></table></BLOCKQUOTE><!--/QUOTE--><!--ENDQUOTE-->I highly recommend <a href="">Types and Programming Languages</a> as a great text &#111;n lambda calculi and type theory. It doesn't cover denotational semantics, however, but rather operational semantics. The Standard ML definition and the new R6RS Scheme standard give operational semantics.
Quote:Original post by Rebooted
R6RS Scheme

Hot damn! I didn't know that was out. [grin]
Quote:Original post by Nathan Baum
In a language with unhygienic macros, it's possible to implement a hygienic macro system on top of the unhygienic one. This is left as an exercise for the reader.

Can you please explain? I'd be interested to know how this works.

For example, let's imagine a Lisp-1 with defmacro. How do you implement a hygienic macro system on top of this?

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