NASM anyone?

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3 comments, last by mameman 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi All, Does anybody know of any good NASM tutorial sites?. I've been trying to find infos on this (can find loads of stuff/places for downloading it) but not how to actually code in it. Is it radically different from say TASM or MASM?. Many thanks in advance. MAMEman
The NASM Manual is quite lengthy - but you'd only need to read parts of it.
I don't know if how it's different from TASM, but MASM is for Microsoft...

in MASM, there's a lot of macro to help you, like "invoke" which work exactly like calling a function in a langage like C, but with EAX for the returned value...

for NASM, you have a lot of tutorial, but they generally are for Linux or BSD.

Google: NASM tutorial

And you will be able to check for some sample, and maybe find better link eventually!

its not that hard if you read the documentation. I didn't know any assembly but I am having success with NASM. I couldn't get it to work with visual studio 2003 so I ended up using djgcc
Thanks for the infos guys. TheUnbeliever, that is exactly what I have been looking for (must have missed it on my initial investigations) ;).

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