
Made final performance fixes, please check out...

Started by May 07, 2007 01:57 PM
35 comments, last by devronious 17 years, 4 months ago
I just got done with the DirectForms final performance improvements and wish that a couple of users can download and test. Perhaps a few from the low end and a few from the high end and inbetween please ? Anyways, I incorperated a speed load and fast size algorithm on top of operating the main vertex buffers as dynamic and giving some size surplus. Sped things up my my system here quite a but. The low end FX5200 didn't see much improvement but the other 7900gt and 6800gtx systems did. This will be great too for people building free projects as the cost to them will be nothing. Next I will have it generate c++ code as well as the current c# code. Should only take a week or two for that. Please download here and test out. Devin
Still crashes without any error message or warning. [sad]

I'd suggest adding some additional checks so the application at least closes nicely with an error message.

Thanks for trying it. Can you tell me when it crashes so I can add some catches there.
OK, this should fix that problem, Font might be large and load slower but for now, please try this...

Please download here and test out.


When I exit the demo the window closes but it is still in my process list taking up 50% of my CPU.
Yes. This is because of:

this.presentParams.PresentationInterval = PresentInterval.Immediate;

Just for show so that you can see how little time DirectForms actually takes to scan input and render/process. About 1 ms on my system or 1,000fps.

It's not DirectForms but rather the TechDemo app. The same is true for the CPU Usage. If I use a timer instead of full render loop then I get idle-like load operation. It's just how the app that uses DirectForms is set up.

If I change it to normal op it exits fine. The point I'm hoping to make is that the Entire 5,200 poly DirectForms system that the Tech Demo uses only requires about (on my machine) 1 ms out of the game's frame time.

How did it perform on your system? Can you also give specs please.

Thanks Much,


[edit] Just so you know how the system works. It uses only 1 VertexBuffer and 1 Texture to operate. The Texture is more like a collage of all the required images and the VertexBuffer is a shared buffer that joins all of the Vertex data into a single buffer. All this equates to fast operation. The shader has been optimized to do as little as possible.

Also it may load slow for now. The error we were having is in the new fastload operation I set up. I disabled it for now. I will figure out the glitch and re-enable it later. Anyways it loads bam fast with the fast load. The error should be a simple thing to fix.
Quote: Original post by devronious
OK, this should fix that problem, Font might be large and load slower but for now, please try this...

Unfortunally, I'm still having application crash right after selecting resolution and clicking "Start". It changes video mode and I see hard disk activity, then Windows says that app has a problem and will be closed.

You should definitely check whether all resources are loaded properly and everything you use is created properly. Seems to me like a non-handled Direct3D error.

Again, my machine is Intel Core 2 Duo 1.86 Ghz, 2.5 Gb RAM, Nvidia GeForce 7600 GS. I'm running Win XP Pro SP2, .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0, using debug DirectX runtimes (I also have DX SDK October 2006 installed, if that matters), latest Nvidia video drivers. I have another machine, which seems to have the same problem (maybe because it has similar system setup?).

Let me know if there is more info I can give you to help fixing the problem.

P.S. I have checked the tech demo several times already but have not yet seen it working. If you want me to continue checking the demo to see if the problem has been fixed, please provide a ZIP package instead of installer; having to install/uninstall it each time starts to be a little tedious. [embarrass]
Quote: having to install/uninstall it each time starts to be a little tedious.

No prob and thanks for helping. Your system is very similar to the one I have here.

Please download the following Tech Demo executable file and put into the Tech Demo directory. This should report at least the general area where the problem resides.

EXE File


~300 fps
50% cpu load, doesnt matter if I have the max fps checked or not, cpu load stays the same.

It didn't seem to properly exit. Window closes but it is still running in my task manager.

I used fullscreen 1680x1050 60hz.

Ok, I used the same resolution but windowed, got 17fps and when I clicked the X to close the window, it shutdown properly. Pressing esc in windowed mode shut the program down correctly. Wonder why it doesn't in fullscreen.

Oh yeah, in windowed mode, I opened up the task manager. Memory usage was at 38megs, then started to creep up, 2k at a time..then a huge jump to 40.5Megs then kept increasing by 2k for a while before I shut it down.

Just tried it again, I did not get the huge jump up to 40Megs, but it still grew in memory consumption.

System Specs:
P4-3.0 Ghz
2 gigs ram
Geforce 7600 512MB ram pci-express

my blog contains ramblings and what I am up to programming wise.
Cool thanks. I beleive the reason the demo sticks in memory is because of the way I setup the device. If you try unchecking the MaxFPS checkbox a little while before exiting it shouldn't hang around in the process list. Has to do with the Present Interval too high.

Weird that your windowed mode is so slow. Must be driver? I'll check the mem issue.

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