Help please!

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7 comments, last by Antheus 17 years, 1 month ago
I've been set this task by my college lecturer and i'm really struggling. Can anyone help please? Task You are to develop a prototype of an image processing application with a 3D GUI. Users of the application would be presented with a 3D scene containing a number of rotating objects (eg a camera, a computer, a printer) which represent different facilities provided by the application. Users would be able to navigate a point-of-view in the 3D scene to the desired function/object by using the keyboard and mouse. Upon reaching the chosen object pressing [Enter] would take the user to the appropriate processing screen for that functionality. Prototype Your prototype should present a 3D scene with rotating objects and allow the user to navigate between these objects. It should also have a example image processing pipeline that would allow the user to analyse an image to determine the number of small and large granules in the image. (You will be supplied with a number of example image to use.)
Homework help is usually verboten here, but what, exactly, are you having trouble with?
We typically can't help with homework problems, it is against the forum rules (as well as the fact that it doesn't aid your education [smile]). However, if you are having trouble with a particular piece of code you have written we could point you to where you are going wrong.
Look at your course curriculum and course material.

Everything you need should be there. Lecture notes are a good place to start as well.
Well its part of my uni coursework. The course material is very, very vague to say the least. Everyone on the course has complained about the standard of teaching, but we still have this assignment to hand in.

I have got my environment set up with the 3 spinning items in different positions on the screen. What i'm having great difficulty doing is dealing with the navigation in the scene. I haven't got a clue as to how I can move about using the mouse and keyboard and then open a new window when the enter key is pressed.

Any help please it will be much appreciated.
If you're at university, aren't there lab assistants or professors to ask?

And since you mention environment, then your course certainly uses a specific tool (universities tend to use only the few common graphic toolkits for CG courses), which should come with reference materials.

For other basic courses I wouldn't mind, but at university level you really should be able to have more than ample resources to at least get majority done, the library should have anything the lecturers point you to.
Ok then doesn't matter thanks anyway! The problem is its the first year the course has been taught in Python and there are no resources available. The lecturer is about as much use as a glass eye. Not one person on the course has got a solution and its beyond a joke, this is the only module I may fail now because of this.
lrn2research [smile] has tutorials for moving about in a 3D world. It's c++ code mostly but it'll give you ideas.

Quote:Original post by baz333
Ok then doesn't matter thanks anyway! The problem is its the first year the course has been taught in Python and there are no resources available. The lecturer is about as much use as a glass eye. Not one person on the course has got a solution and its beyond a joke, this is the only module I may fail now because of this.

None of us has ever remote clue of what the problem is...

I gather you're using Python of sorts, a 3D library written in it. Pygame? OpenGL python bindings? Google returns 57 million links about Python

Which OS? What is a window. Are these workstations, TCL/TK, GTK, Windows API? Some other?

Are you having problem with language you're coding in? With the 3D library? With Windowing library? With math behind the problem? With some 3D toolkit specific API?

At very least describe the problem, not the assignment text. While the problem sounds trivial, asking for complete work, or guide to complete work will get this closed.

What exactly is the problem, very specifically (software used, environment, OS, textbook you're using, which level is the course, and so on), and we'll point you in the right direction.

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