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3 comments, last by xeexIII 16 years, 11 months ago
I download from nehe:reflection turorial,code and exe. I run the exe on windowed mode and give no more than 1 fps I run the exe on fullscreen mode and run perflectly. i make my code very similar to nehe`s reflaction code. I work with allegrogl,c++,dev-cpp i run my code on fullscreen: void main() . . . allegro_gl_clear_settings(); allegro_gl_set (AGL_COLOR_DEPTH, 24); allegro_gl_set (AGL_Z_DEPTH, 8); allegro_gl_set(AGL_FULLSCREEN, TRUE); allegro_gl_set (AGL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); allegro_gl_set (AGL_SUGGEST, AGL_COLOR_DEPTH | AGL_Z_DEPTH | AGL_DOUBLEBUFFER ); set_gfx_mode(GFX_OPENGL, res_x,res_y , 0, 0); . . . } well i thing i did (maybe here i have the problem) I run on fullscreen mode 1024×768 and give no more than 1 fps I run on fullscreen mode 512×384 and give no more than 2 fps i think i dont know how to set fullscreen mode on allegrrogl, but the only thing i am very sure is if i run on windowed mode nehe´s reflaction exe it run relly relly slow, similar to my code. But if that run ok (nehe's reflaction exe) even on FULLSCREEN, am pretty sure i am doing something wrong. PLEASE HELP
1) Don't double post
2) Don't post in all caps

There's already a discussion going on in your old thread:


Palidine once again thank for the answer.

but,i think the subject is other.
Now i am asking about setting corectly the fullscreen mode on allegro.
I think like is a allegro question it must be on alternative library forum.
I post here after i post on opengl forum.
Why the user of allegro forum must have knowledge about openl forum?

Quote:Original post by xeexIII
I think like is a allegro question it must be on alternative library forum.

AllegroGL isn't Allegro; it's an OpenGL wrapper that lets you use it with Allegro. I'll leave this open in case an AllegroGL user can help you, but I have a feeling the other thread is more likely to get you an answer.

Jesus saves ... the rest of you take 2d4 fire damage.


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