Bones and animation

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3 comments, last by chillypacman 16 years, 11 months ago
More the most part I think i'm pretty much done with my engine; the basics are all in, the only thing I need to add is bone structures and ability to animate 3d objects. Is there a tutorial somewhere or even a library (preferably open source) that I could look at to help me out?
Eddie RiveronSoftware EngineerCreator of 3D Wrath EngineWebsite soon!
Cal3D is an open source character skeletal animation library.
awesome thanks :)

in addition, is there a reference i can look at to use bones with .3ds files? my engine can load 3ds file, i use it from another tutorial and i notice it CAN load an "animation chunk" but it doesn't do anything with it. does a .3ds file hold bone data?

if not, what 3d data file does hold bone information?
Eddie RiveronSoftware EngineerCreator of 3D Wrath EngineWebsite soon!
I really don't know, but I wouldn't bet on it, at any rate, it is not required that a 3ds file contain any animation information at all, it was meant for a 3D Modeling package, not games.

here is a link containing some useful links to code and specs for 3ds.

Personally I am using a binary version of Doom3/Quake4 MD5 format, I would recommend following a similar approach, the easiest for you would probably be to replace your 3ds code with Cal3D.

You can also do something like what Poser/DAZ3D does, and save bone and weight data in a separate file, referencing the geometry in the 3ds file(s) (Poser uses OBJ files though).
You could do what I did if you're using DirectX, take the tutorial that comes with the SDK and rip it apart then put it back together again for your engine.

Took a bit of tweaking but it works fine for me now, otherwise I don't know how long it would have taken me to do animations.

Though it also means you'll have to use .x models...

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