Pointers and addresses

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4 comments, last by instinKt 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi, I have a class that holds all the objects of a class, called Npc. Then I have a 2d array of Npc pointers, which represent where the Npc's are at. So when I spawn an Npc, I do this little tidbit:

manager->world->x[abs(n.x)].z[n.z].npc = &npcs[npcs.size() - 1];
Basically npcs is a vector of Npc objects, and then I try setting the grid's address at nx/nz to the address of the lastly added object of Npcs. I am pretty sure somethings going wrong here. and as a side note the abs(n.x) is mostly due to personal preference of the grid in my imagination and working with negative numbers as it goes on. Dont ask me why =/
I all have to say wow you have a tough one. Maybe its because the pointer is some how pointing to a refernce. I don't know am just guessing.
Well, I can't tell you what's going wrong without some description of what's going wrong or some code to see exactly how your manager object is structured. However, you could replace
&npcs[npcs.size() - 1]
which would make your code cleaner, more intuitive, and more managable should you decide to change the type of container represented by npcs.
Well, depends on what you mean "wrong". First of all, for instance, this line:


makes me want to take a bath. It compiles and runs but it's just...bad. Better have a World::SetGrid(x,y,npc) function or something like that.

Other than that, you have to realize that std::vector is free to move elements into memory as you add or remove items. So what is now a valid address may not be later. Storing the address of an std::vector item for later use is wrong, unless the vector never resizes, which is not your case. A correct solution would be to make npcs a vector of pointers to NPC.
Quote:Original post by mikeman
Well, depends on what you mean "wrong". First of all, for instance, this line:


makes me want to take a bath. It compiles and runs but it's just...bad. Better have a World::SetGrid(x,y,npc) function or something like that.

Other than that, you have to realize that std::vector is free to move elements into memory as you add or remove items. So what is now a valid address may not be later. Storing the address of an std::vector item for later use is wrong, unless the vector never resizes, which is not your case. A correct solution would be to make npcs was a vector of pointers to NPC.

Thats the issue!

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt, so it baffled me completely. I am terribly sorry for making you guys guess but my code is getting pretty beastly and its hard to tell what I need to include.

What do you reccommend I use? Would std::list be a better option? or should I use a slightly abstracted array?

Thanks so much!
What about just storing the index to the npc?

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