Hello! Beggining with Dev C++

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12 comments, last by jpetrie 16 years, 11 months ago
Hello, I am not totally new to programming, I have been "cheating" for a few years with DarkBASIC, but when it comes to C++ I am very much a green begginer! I have DevC++ and a few basic books on how to program using the console. I really want to get away from the console and perhaps move onto 2D graphics to begin with. I do not know what to use to do this. I gather I cannot do it with the basics that DevC++ provides. I downloaded Irrlicht, and managed to get to the BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death!!!) so I take it I am doing something wrong! I also downloaded Nuclear Glory, but to be honest I would be far happier if I could code in pure C++ as I don't want to "cheat" any more than I have to... I would really apprecitate anyone's help on my problem, a reference to a useful site/book would be great, or even a suggestion of which type of program I should start with. Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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Dev-C++ is a very poor choice for an IDE. It is old and dead; nearly every other IDE in existence has passed it by in terms of features, usability, and performance. In addition, it ships with an old GCC port and requires a host of specially-compiled or otherwise doctored libraries and headers, making it unpleasant to work with some of the more modern, interesting technologies out there.

I firmly believe that no self-respecting programmer should be using Dev-C++ any more. There are much better alternatives available: Visual C++ Express, Eclipse, Code::Blocks, et cetera. VC++ Express would be my personal recommendation.

As for books, Google for C++: A Dialog and Thinking in C++. They're both available online, and they're very good.

If you're ready to move beyond the world of console programming, you might want to check out SDL.
I recommend getting Micsroft Visual C++ 2005 EE

From here, you would also need to download the Win32 PSDK.

Then, learn an API! SDL is good, as suggested. Two other common APIs
are DirectX and OpenGL--both of these are alot more complex then SDL

After getting some experience in an API, try making a Pong or
Tetris game.

GDNet Books Section

I second Thinking in C++ -- very good book indeed.
I agree that Dev-C++ itself is a bad choice... it really is old and dead---ish. However, there is a not-so-well-known project which is built directly off the old Dev-C++ base, with many new features and improvements. I just recently (a couple months back) switched from Dec-C++ to it. It is called wxDev-C++ and it, unlike the original Dev-C++, is under very active development.
There was a saying we had in college: Those who walk into the engineering building are never quite the same when they walk out.

An excellent book is Game Programming All In One, Third edition from J. S. Harbour. Is an easy to read, esasy to follow book. It covers 2D Game programming using the Dev-C++ IDE and the Allegro Library.

Another one excellent book is Beginning Game Programming, Second Edition from J. S. Harbour. It covers game programming using the DirectX libraries and Visual C++ Express edition.

Dev-C++ is just and IDE, I've been working since a long time with it and it has all I need, is just fine.
I am just a beginner at game programming, but I use Dev-C++ mostly due to my limitations. I have tried CodeBlocks and its good. Its just a huge install.

With Dev-C++, you should install the updates or packages that you can get. They enable you start projects with different libraries.

I am using SDL and Allegro. Just install the package, and then start a new project. You can then start coding normally.

My only issue is the fact that I cannot debug programs. Besides that I think its pretty cool.

whoa, that's a pretty big deal, not being able to debug programs.

Might as well be using notepad at that point.

- Goishin
you know what? i finally got confident enough with C++ to some advice i've gotten here and switch from DEV-CPP and you were right, i decided on codeblocks cause MS products act up on my computer, which means no visual c++. and code blocks is alot better, the auto formatting is better and so is the way projects work.

so yeah, thanks
--------------------------------------Not All Martyrs See Divinity, But At Least You Tried
Thanks everyone!

You have given so much help and information. I will download codeblocks the moment I am at home.

I couldn't get the Visual Studio IDE to work as it needs to be installed on a PC with internet access. The PC I work on is diconnected, so I was wondering, is codeblocks a download like that, or can I download it and then install it elsewhere?

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Codeblocks is an offline install. Just download the program and you can install it without the connectivity to the Internet.

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