anyone still use vi/m?

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25 comments, last by Kylotan 16 years, 11 months ago
I only use it when I need to (for example if I am remotely working on php scripts) but in general I try to avoid it and work with a graphical environment.

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iI hate vim.[esc]:%s/hate/love/

The built-in regex, easy to do repeatitive tasks, fast, handles huge files easily, is available for almost any platform, etc, etc, etc. Keyboard only, which is great, or use gvim if you want some mouse input as well.

Most of my friends have been trained now to ignore the:
i's, dd's, ^dw's, $a's, and R's that randomly pop up in our IM conversations now. Now they see a few of those and realize I'm working on something so tell me to IM them later..which I forget to do and it starts the whole mess all over again..

; edit

As an aside, I absolutely abhor emacs.
I can get by in vim, but I find memorising all the commands and so on laborious. There's no doubting it's a powerful editor and environment, but generally I prefer the Windows-style editors which are much less opaque to use. On Linux I try and use Kate or KDevelop where possible.
Learning vim was definately a bear. After a bit it became muscle memory to do the commands. Half the time I couldn't list the last 4 commands I exicuted. I saw what I needed to do and it translated to action :) .
I've used vim on a non-trivial project of about 30 kLOC. I loathe emacs not just because it feels bloated, but perhaps because the commands were more obfuscated than necessary.
Not for programming, I frequently use it for LaTeX though.
Best regards, Omid
I use Emacs quite a bit, mostly for TeX though also for the odd bit of programming. I haven't used it for anything sizable yet but I can see it being very good for large projects provided you're competent at using it (currently I only know the basic commands, I need to learn more about it before I could use it for anything large).
I use it all the time. You can actually set it up to do a lot of things, and I still learn little tricks every now and then, which increase my productivity. It's currently cooking my breakfast, in fact ;-).
When the memory gluttony of MSVS makes me feel unclean, I turn to VIM and the command line to shrive me of my sins.

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