Wrap member function to boost python object

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0 comments, last by crazedfool 16 years, 10 months ago
I'm having some trouble in a program I've written that uses python to script most of a simple GUI using boost python. Now I'd like some of the C++ to also be able to register callbacks. All of the callbacks are stored as boost::python::objects. It seems like there has to be a simple way to wrap a bound member function into this object type but after a couple of hours looking I can't seem to come up with it. I've found the function make_function here which will wrap member function pointers however it won't bind them to an actual object instance. Is there any way to bind the callable object returned by make_function to an actual instance, or is there some other way I need to go about this? Thanks in advance.
Going to try bumping this just once. It seems like there has to be a simple way to do this. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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