Collision Detection and "Gravity" - How do I do it?

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1 comment, last by KG_Brad 16 years, 10 months ago
Currently, I'm working on a simple engine for platformers similar to Commander Keen and the old Duke Nukem games. To scroll the screen, my engine kind of "fakes" it by scrolling the background behind the player sprite. My levels are all tile based. How would I implement collision detection? Also, is there a way I can create a gravity effect for jumping? Thanks, KG_Brad
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The techniques discussed in this Jump'n'Run tutorial series should be easy enough to incorporate into any tile-based 2D scroller.

Richard 'ViLiO' | Twitter | YouTube
The tutorial is wrote in C++ but I think I could come up with a way to do what it's doing in C. The engine is still at an early stage, but it should be ready within a month. Thanks for the quick response!
Quote:Of course justice isn't equal. Rich people can afford lawyers, where poor people get McLawyers.

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