problem with the plane

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1 comment, last by ghiboz 16 years, 10 months ago
hi all! i created a plane in 3ds and exported in x format with panda exporter all seems that works fine, but when i render in my project I look that the textures are only in the back side of the plane ( in fact the plane is not visible, but if i go down with my camera and look up I see the correct texture...) what's the problem?? is in my program or in the exporter?? thanks p.s. is my first post!! hi all!
My guess is that the winding is reversed and that, consequently, the wrong face is being culled. DirectX assumes counterclockwise vertices by default, and the exportor (presumably) does it the other way around. Two possible solutions:
1) reverse the winding manually (or look for a switch in the exporter);
2) look at IDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CW ); (or other options similar to this one)

Quote:Original post by Todo
1) reverse the winding manually (or look for a switch in the exporter);

thanks in advance!
did you know how-to do this in panda??

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