Need some help

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12 comments, last by iceDeath 16 years, 9 months ago
im really sorry about my english i live in israel. ok, so me and my friend here are totaly noobs in c++ we just started learning it, and mostly i have one question. when you making your 3d objects how do you add them to the game? so the question is, do you use a special editor or some thing? editor that opens your 3d objects and you can place them any where you wnat and you can also post your c++ codes in it? so is that kinda editor exists?
Well you would have to learn a Graphics API like DirectX or OpenGL first. After that you have to open and sometime parse the certain format of file you want to use as you mesh, then you have to use a world transformation matrix to set the object into the world where you want it, its rotation and scale. Then you have to render it.

You will need allot of C++ practice before even thinking about using DirectX or OpenGL, at least 6 months in my opinion.
0_0 WOW !

i didnt thought it so much time to learn all this
well at least 3 mounts but WOW AGAIN !

and ive heard about this openGL or how did you call it ?

but i didnt even thought ill need this
and Matrix world?
yep that can be really hard for me or my friend cuz we are kinda noobs
and ive never heard about this thing,

i gues i got a long way to go.
Just hang in there, and dont flame the boards with "I HATE YOU ALL BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT SHOW ME ANY GOOD BOOKS OR HOW TO DO ANYTHING!!!!1!!1" or you will end up like me with a user rating of 4 (lol). Lol i still remember that, it was about a year ago, or a little less then a year.
Quote:Original post by iceDeath
i didnt thought it so much time to learn all this
well at least 3 mounts but WOW AGAIN !

I cannot recommend strongly enough that you read this article.

Quote:and ive heard about this openGL or how did you call it ?

OpenGL is an Application Programming Interface (API). It's a library of pre-written code that makes working with graphics much easier.

Quote:but i didnt even thought ill need this
and Matrix world?
yep that can be really hard for me or my friend cuz we are kinda noobs
and ive never heard about this thing,

Look up linear algebra.

Now, to actually answer your question: your 3D objects will be created using a modelling program (something like Blender (which is free), or Maya (which isn't)). You'll then have to choose a 3D model format, and save your model like this. To get them in your game, you'll have to write a loader for the format to get it in a format such that your chosen graphics API can display them. This little paragraph describes probably at least several man-days worth of work.

couple things

0) read the Forum FAQ

1) there are seperate programs for editing 3D objects and editing code. For objects take a look at blender. it's a free/cheap application that's close enough to Maya or 3DS max for hobby work

2) Generally a game engine will have an editor that lets you place your objects in a level. If you're writing your own engine you'll have to write your own editor. If you don't care to write you own engine you can just use an existing one: Source, DOOM3, Crysis, Unreal. If you are using a pre-existing game you generally will only be writing code in that engine's scripting language rather than C or C++. In that case, yes, there is a place in the editor for you to write your code.

3) If everything is of your own creation then it works the way you make it work. but typically all your C or C++ code is written in your programming IDE (like Visual Studio or Code-Blocks).

well books is not the problem.
im not really the scripter my friend is, im more as a designer my friend will understand it all
and its not that i dont know what to do its just becuse i cant !
its like some thing blocks me, i cant never find a good website that
will explain me about this programs and how to do that or use this.
its like totaly imposible to find good information about what you need :(
and when you allready dont need it so you find it and then you say DAM !
Quote:Original post by iceDeath
well books is not the problem.
im not really the scripter my friend is, im more as a designer my friend will understand it all
and its not that i dont know what to do its just becuse i cant !
its like some thing blocks me, i cant never find a good website that
will explain me about this programs and how to do that or use this.
its like totaly imposible to find good information about what you need :(
and when you allready dont need it so you find it and then you say DAM !

Aha , so , you'll do the design..

Then , learn blender :
(video tutorials) :

Also , learn gimp! (
Video tutorials :

ok ill do all what i can i wont give it up this time.
becuse i had workd on alot of projects but none one of them was done.
becuse i all ways gived up.

its really hard but i really want to do it. so if ill need more help ill just
ask you guys.
its the only forum people are totaly serius about their work.
I am going to make a suggestion. Try learning C# and using XNA. It would be easier and would teach you the principals you need to learn.

There is a C# workshop going on if you want to learn C#.


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