Make Sprite always face the camera

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5 comments, last by Dave Hunt 16 years, 8 months ago
Hi! You solve one problem(now i have a plasmagun in my FPS that Fires from Gun Position into the middle of the screen) but at the same moment you always get a new one. this time it is the sprite that not is facing the cameraPosition at any given angle/rotation. Is there any easy way of making the face/flat side of a sprite always face the camera position? here is my view and WorldMatrix for my Sprite: //the View device.Transform.View = Matrix.LookAtLH(mPos, mView, mUp); //the Sprite World Matrix device.Transform.World = Matrix.Multiply(Matrix.Scaling(scale, scale, scale), Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(mPosX, pitch, roll) * Matrix.Translation(spritePos.X, spritePos.Y, spritePos.Z)); i have heard somethign about inverting the worldMatrix but i am not sure this is correct???
Billboard is the term used for the effect you are trying to achieve. Check out this page or search google for +directx +billboard.
tnx, i think i can solve this one now. =)
If I am not mistaken point sprites are aligned with the view vector by default. So you can simply use them. Take a look at:
or use D3DXSprite, its has an easy option to draw view aligned sprites ..
tnx, solved my problem!

SpriteFlags.Billboard =)
Quote:Original post by Matt Aufderheide
or use D3DXSprite, its has an easy option to draw view aligned sprites ..

Doh! I completely forgot about that.

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