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6 comments, last by dohtem 16 years, 7 months ago
Hey, I'm looking for good programming related blogs, what are you guys reading and recommend? Thanks
"Through me the road to the city of desolation,Through me the road to sorrows diuturnal,Through me the road among the lost creation."
Raymond Chen

Does xkcd count?
I read thinking parallel and
I admit: both of them are not uber-interesting, all the time.
GameDev.Net Developer Journals, of course. [grin]

[Website] [+++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++] (this one is amazing)
You should obviously be reading the dev journals.

Although it's gotten significantly more political recently, my personal blog does occasionally write something about programming. I think I might end up writing a rant or two about the state of CS education after the "debugging" thread. </shamelessplug>

I usually read Wil Shipley's blog; he not only has hilarious stories about development in general, but also has a couple of neat bits about Cocoa every now and then.

Rory Blyth's blog has gotten depressing since his bipolar diagnosis, but he still manages to make me crack up when he mentions development. Or anything, really.

I also read the Quackometer to get a handle on what pseudoscience scams are going around these days. Occasionally the pseudoscience involves computer science, which leads to hilarity.

I used to be a big fan of Joel, but ever since the "&#106avascript compiler" debacle he seems to be huffing paint.

Finally, while only rarely programming-related, Damn Interesting does what it says on the tin.
And if you want a reason why WorseThanFailure is on my list:
Quote: The problem with "logic" is that it makes things out to be nothing but simple dualities. Proponents of logic want us to believe that everything is true or false, black or white, yes or no, paper or plastic, etc. Thankfully, there are some among us, like Mark Harrison's colleague, who are not afraid to stand up to these logic advocates and shout "no, I will not succumb to your false dichotomies!" Today, I think we all should salute those few brave people ...

        enum Bool         {             True,             False,             FileNotFound         };
I like Codding Horror and Scott Hanselman's blog to name a couple.

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