glClipPlane(GLenum plane, GLdouble *equation),what does the parameter plane mean?

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3 comments, last by sunrisefe 16 years, 8 months ago
glClipPlane(GLenum plane, GLdouble *equation), the plane can be GL_CLIP_PLANEi ,but the 'opengl programming guide' didn't tell what GL_CLIP_PLANE0 to GL_CLIP_PLANE5 exactly stand for. so it is difficult to make use of this function.. would u tell me ?thank you
They are custom clip planes, availible additionally to the frustum and the ortho clip planes. You have to en and disable them via glEnable and glDisable.
And, since this took me a while to figure out, if you are using custom clipplanes and shaders you have to set the gl_ClipVertex output from your vertex shader.
i found there exist much differnce when replace GL_CLIP_PLANE0 to GL_CLIP_PLANE1 or GL_CLIP_PLANE2 even though the second parameter is same. so i dont know what GL_CLIP_PLANE0-5 exactly stand for.

Quote:Original post by sunrisefe
i found there exist much differnce when replace GL_CLIP_PLANE0 to GL_CLIP_PLANE1 or GL_CLIP_PLANE2 even though the second parameter is same. so i dont know what GL_CLIP_PLANE0-5 exactly stand for.

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