Xbox 360 - DirectX 9 ?

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2 comments, last by jpetrie 16 years, 7 months ago
hey! i just wonder if i could do one thing on my computer and transfer it to my Xbox 360. and run it on my 360. i know XNA could do this but i want to do it whit D3D9, becus i want to create my own engine. if it is posible, could any one send som tutorials on how to use the X360 hand controller! cheers!
hey! i just wonder if i could do one thing on my computer and transfer it to
my Xbox 360. and run it on my 360.

No, not really. Especially not with D3D9. Homebrew stuff will eventually be possible (it already is on the original console, and many other older consoles) but I don't know what the state of that is now. It's also not nearly as simple as "do it on your computer and copy it." Only XNA gives you that option, practically speaking.

You can, however, use the XActXInput API to get input from the 360 controller on your PC.

[Edited by - jpetrie on October 1, 2007 12:02:35 PM]
Well it’s an open secret that the Xbox use an API that is similar to Direct3D 9 (sometimes called 9.5). But you need an Xbox 360 development kit to make use of it. And even if you can get one (normally you need a publishing deal) there are still many differences that may require code rewrites.

@Jpetrie: The controller API is XInput. But I am very sure you know this already. :)
X-this, X-that, too many X's. How am I supposed to be keeping them straight? :D

I confuse XACT and XInput all the time, though. "Act" reminds me "action" which I associate with the controller, I guess. I don't do a whole lot of sound stuff. But yea, you're right.

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