Volume Rendering Artifacts

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0 comments, last by TimothyFarrar 16 years, 7 months ago
Please consider the image: Picture I am using the proxy polygon slice method for GPU volume rendering, although I get similar artifacts for GPU ray tracing. On the bottom image, you can see these "slice" pattern artifacts. How can I remove them? I tried taking more slices to get a better sampling, but it didn't help enough (even with an unpractical sampling count). I read that the transfer function can create higher frequencies than in the original volume data. Would pre-integrated transfer functions be the next step?
I'm not well versed in the polygon slice method, however in the case of GPU raycasting, if you add a dither pattern to the ray starting location (z) then you might be able to hide the artifacting.
_|imothy Farrar :: www.farrarfocus.com/atom

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