JelloCar - XNA game for WIN + X360

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11 comments, last by mutex 16 years, 6 months ago
JelloCar is a simple game for Windows and Xbox 360. In the game you must guide a squishy car through a squishy world, to reach the exit of each level. Everything in the world is simulated with soft body physics. You can temporarily inflate your car to monster truck size to complete the over 15 included levels. Screenshots and Game trailer:
"> DOWNLOAD LINK [WINDOWS] DOWNLOAD LINK [XBOX 360] [Edited by - walaber on October 8, 2007 10:53:16 PM]
Downloading now. I remember seeing some footage of this a few weeks ago and really enjoyed the idea. Now that I look at it, it's like an interesting take on Loco Roco, but more practical. Can't wait to play it!
When do we get a demo? It looks like an original, and fun game! I really like the hand drawn feel of the graphics.
Thanks for the link. It's as fun as it looks!
I'm doing a rigid body/puzzle version of the same sort of gameplay. I like how you handled the car flipping over.

I never thought something with such a simple concept could be so fun! This is a gem among freeware games, just by the execution of the idea. I'd love to see it expand, maybe different vehicles?
Thanks for the comments everyone!

I plan to come back to this one again in the future, and add some more features, levels, and vehicle types (that transform in different ways).
Really nice one.
Perfect casual gameplay, and the sounds are just wonderful :)
That is incredibly fun! I would say you should add a bit more to it and submit it to the IGDA for their yearly contests.
Dude...funnest game I've played in YEARS! :)
-It's got to be more than a memory, or is life just a fantasy and a piss in the sand?

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