[java] quality 3D game source code

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5 comments, last by Gramsy 16 years, 5 months ago
any quality game source code out there like the following? http://www.jmonkeyengine.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=68&Itemid=84 I would like to study how to build a quality 3D game. Any quality open source project out there?
I think you should try to make a game yourself. You will learn more and it’s more fun.
Quote:Original post by stmarsp5910
I would like to study how to build a quality 3D game.

Then don't look at any actually released game code. It all works but ends up being a hacky nightmare that, under no circumstances, should you ever ever try to replicate. Honestly, there's not much you can learn about how to write a game engine by looking at one. You should really just start the process of writing one for yourself.

Studying source code is like looking at bricks to learn architecture.
Aleast with the source code, i can study the big picture still like class relationship.

Again any quality game source code related to JME engine?


it's the best Java game engine so far.

I cannot find any open source game using JME engine.
There isn’t a correct way to build a game. And what work in a game, can be a very poor choice for another. If you want to learn to make games, then make a game. Studying what other people have done isn’t that useful. If you like that engine than you can start by reading the wiki and the documentation to learn how it work. Than you can start making some simple game (like a 3D chess for example).
Of course you can learn something from looking at source code. You don't have to read it line by line to get something out of it. And of course you can't just assume they do everything in the best way possible, but it can give you ideas.

Here's an open source game using jME:


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