MVC++ 2005 intellisense...

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8 comments, last by jpetrie 16 years, 5 months ago
Hi Ive had problems with this before, but now everything stopped working. I can hover a variable to see its members and values during debug, that works fine. However, i cannot see a list of member-functions/member-variable when typing a class like mystuff-> //the popuplist is missing However, this works like 10% of the time, in different files and/or with same classes. I dont understand how this works and how to actually make it work. Plz dont just reply that intellisense is broken, i know that but in a previous project it worked much more often so there's gotta be some setting or something. i try rebuilding the solution, no luck there. Thanks for your help E
Close VC++, go to the project's folder and delete the intellisense database file (.ncb) then open the project again. Intellisense will then rebuild the database and everything should work out fine. There is a section in the documentation for VC++ titled "troubleshooting intellisense" or something like that. Check it out if you still have problems.
you install a plugin called "Visual Assist X"
then it will be nice
The IntelliSense in MSVC++ 2008 is a little better, but it's still not great. Don't expect miracles. Fact of the matter is that IntelliSense is almost always broken for all but the simplest of projects.
C++ parsing is a pain. But clearly it is not an intractable problem; VAX's intellisense is generally excellent. Makes me wonder if Microsoft has ever approached Whole Tomato about acquision options.
a fine plugin it seems. I have one problem though.

I have black background and it seems text that are being typed are , well black! And i cannot change it. Once i type something like int myFinalDestination; i cannot see it until i type that final ; making it a variable (then it turns into the the variable color which i can set).

Normal text is set in the original program to grey so thats not it.

Here's a good tip: After you get Visual Assist, delete the ncb file and create a folder named the same as the file (projectname.ncb) in the same directory. You'll get a warning message when you open MsDev, but it'll stop intellisense from slowing everything down to an halt, especially on larger projects or when you perform certain operations.
To function properly, Intellisense needs to know how to properly preprocess the C++ files. If it cannot, it won't be able to show you intellisense for .cpp files that it can't completely parse.

This always happens for makefile projects (you have to fill in the "NMake/Include Search Path" and "NMake/Preprocessor Definitions" fields in the project properties), but could also happen for other projects if you haven't given VS include paths that make sense, or if one of the #include paths is ambiguous, or if you're using #defines/#ifdefs that aren't defined cleanly so that VS knows how to use them.
i mean i cannot see what i write since these letters are black (just like my background). Surely there is a setting for what color text not belonging to any of the "groups" seen under VAX options?
Post on the VAX forums, perhaps? There are some color options in the preferences panes, and probably some undocumented controls via config file hacks somewhere, but that's all I can tell you offhand. I no longer use VAX as Resharper beats it for C# features, and C# is all I really do.

Bu the VAX forums might have an answer if nobody here does.

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