[.net] native vs managed value structs

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1 comment, last by Zukix 16 years, 5 months ago
1. Can a value struct inherit from a native struct? 2. Suppose I have a native structure: struct Vector3 { float x, y, z; }; and I make a corresponding managed version value struct VectorEx3 { float x, y, z; }; If you have a function that takes a pointer to a Vector3 as a parameter, is it okay to cast a VectorEx3 object to it: VectorEx3 v; foo( (Vector3*)&v ); I tried it and it worked, but I want to make sure it is defined behavior.
I too find these issues quite baffling in C++\CLI since it doubles the amount of syntax and storage options and then hides a fair amount using implicit interop. Its a bad sign when a new language makes C++ look simple eh?

I was interested enough to create a little test. The outcome for me is that when the "value struct" is passed as a pointer, a conversion operator "conv.i4" is generated in the MSIL. I therefore believe that it will work fine due to implicit interop but at a performance overhead.

Introduction to MSIL : Casts and Conversions

The c++ source:

struct struct1{    int i;};value struct struct2{    int i;};#pragma unmanagedstruct struct3{    int i;};#pragma managedvoid Increment(struct1 * v) {v->i++;};int main(array<System::String ^> ^args){    struct1 a;    struct2 b;    struct3 c;    a.i = 6;    b.i = 9;    c.i = 42;    Increment((struct1 *)&a);    Increment((struct1 *)&b);    Increment((struct1 *)&c);    return 0;}


; 28   :     struct1 a;; 29   :     struct2 b;	ldc.i.0		0		; i32 0x0	stloc.0				; $T11256	ldloca.s	3		; _b$	initobj		$TypeTok$798720C4$; 30   :     struct3 c;; 31   : ; 32   :     a.i = 6;	ldloca.s	2		; _a$	ldc.i.6		6		; i32 0x6	stind.i4	; 33   :     b.i = 9;	ldloca.s	3		; _b$	ldc.i4.s	9		; i32 0x9	stfld		?i@struct2@@3HA; 34   :     c.i = 42;	ldloca.s	1		; _c$	ldc.i4.s	42		; i32 0x2a	stind.i4	; 35   : ; 36   :     Increment((struct1 *)&a);	ldloca.s	2		; _a$	call		?Increment@@$$FYAXPAUstruct1@@@Z; 37   :     Increment((struct1 *)&b);	ldloca.s	3		; _b$	conv.i4			call		?Increment@@$$FYAXPAUstruct1@@@Z; 38   :     Increment((struct1 *)&c);	ldloca.s	1		; _c$	call		?Increment@@$$FYAXPAUstruct1@@@Z; 39   : ; 40   :     Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");

Oh, and the answer is no to the first question:

error C3830: 'struct2': cannot inherit from 'struct1', value types can only inherit from interface classes

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