Vertical scrolling shoot-'em-up - Coin arcade style

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-1 comments, last by TC_nz 16 years, 4 months ago
Hi all. I would really appreciate some feedback on my current project; a vertical scrolling shoot-'em-up with a loose WWII theme. DOWNLOAD the playable demo
">Small You Tube video Basic info page It's incomplete, and not meant to be visually spectacular (it's currently just a spare-time effort), but it is supposed to be fun, and suitable for release as a shareware game. The main things I'd like to know are: 1. Does it run without crashing 2. Is the difficulty too easy/hard etc 3. Any other feedback/suggestions would be welcome I'm also thinking of getting some paid help with sprite artwork so that I can create some new levels a bit faster. Some advice on what an acceptable price range for artwork would be appreciated. Keeping in mind that the budget is my own pocket, and the artwork quality does not need to be mint, and animation is minimal. Also some advice on what I should do with it when it's finished (constructive please ;) ), would be very helpful. I'm not trying to make any significant amount of money (I have a day job for that), but the occasional shareware sale would be rewarding. Thanks, -Tom

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