Creating opengl console for cheats etc.

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2 comments, last by Funkyjive 16 years, 4 months ago
Can anybody point me in the direction of a tutorial for creating a console type system for a game or program? I would like to impliment something similar to the console you get when you press the ~ key in hl2. I tried google but didnt really find what I was looking for. Mostly the results thought I was talking about the normal console you get with cin and cout type stuff but I am looking for an opengl in game console system. Any suggestions? Thank you!
"I would rather be in the boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with a boat on the rocks" -Unknown
This article might be a good start.
Note that creating an in-game console system has very little specifically to do with OpenGL. (Ideally, display of the console should be abstracted away - the console itself shouldn't know anything about how it is to be displayed or rendered.)

As far as rendering the console goes, as long as you have a way to render text to the screen, you have everything you need to display a basic console. The real challenge is simply implementing the console system itself, which can be non-trivial, depending on what sort of features you want to support (the linked article above should give you a good starting point though).
Now that you say that it makes sense. I will be able to render it without problem. It is the actual way the console works which is what I was looking for. Thanks for that link it is what I was looking for.
"I would rather be in the boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with a boat on the rocks" -Unknown

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