starting to learn C++

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2 comments, last by HugosHoH 16 years, 3 months ago
I am attending a four year college and have just started to learn the C++ language. I was just wondering how long it would take for me to be able to create a "simple" game like tetris? Or how advanced is the code going into making it? Will it take a semester or two? Thank you to all that respond and I know it will be different for everyone but a rough guess would be nice.
My guess would be at least two. C++ itself is fairly complex for relative beginners. That and the ever present "if you need to ask..." lends me to aim high on the estimate.
I would say a couple of months, until you become comfortable with the language. Games like Tetris require a lot of logical approach, for example making algorithms (which could be done in abstract form without programming). With an appropriate library all you will most likely need to know is how to call a function, and the API you're working with will take care of all the low-level issues.

You didn't come into this world. You came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here. -Alan Watts

Writing a Tetris clone is all about programming and is irrelevant of the language. And if you want to estimate the amount you will be mastering C++ that you can write such a game then it depends on how well it's written from an object-oriented perspective.

The basics of C++ should be enough, which normally takes a month of reading if you are a new to OO. But if you are new to programming, then it may take a semester, until you finish your course, since it's aimed to teach you about programming concepts using C++.

I would like to add that writing a game like Tetris will not really benefit from the C++ features or OO in general. It can be coded right away using procedural programming. Large-scale games with alot of complexities that require many large modules of codes can make a great use of C++ utilizing what it has to offer. Otherwise it can be a wrapper which wastes of time and resources, even speed.

Wrapping code in C++ can be O(n) with respect to time required/effort and resource consumption.

Object-orientation in C++ can be O(log[n]) w.r.t resource consumption and productivity.

So chose true OO over wrapping.

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