Starting with DirectX

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7 comments, last by daviangel 16 years, 3 months ago
Ive been using C++ for about a year and recently i downloaded the DirectX SDK with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. I cannot seem to make any tutorials for C++ with directx work, either from this site or any other. Do i need to include some special headers or something? Please help me figure out how to start off. Thank you.
are you linking to the needed libs? post what errors the IDE is giving you enclosed in source tags.
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I'm not mean, I just like to get to the point.
when i install the directx sdk,i can create a directx project in 2005.
maybe you can check in creating a project to make sure there is a directx project.
ok, i think that my problem lies in the "directx project." When i want to make a new project, that is not an option. Maybe i havent installed everything? How do i get the DirectX project to show up?

the error code i got with one tutorial is

"c:\documents and settings\my documents\visual studio 2008\projects\directx\directx\directx.cpp(1) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Cor_Direct3D9.h': No such file or directory"

i have gotten several different ones with different tutorials, but this is the last one ive gotten.

[Edited by - captainsexy on January 31, 2008 5:26:29 PM]
the files you should link are D3D9.lib and possibly D3DX9.lib

the includes for those are d3d9.h and d3dx9.h
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I still couldint get it to work. I think that it must be user error C:
You just want to create a Win32 project when using Directx

Did you set up your directories in VS?

Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->VC++ Directories

Set the dropdown 'Show directories for' and select Include files, then add the folder to your directx sdk

e.g. c:\directx9_2007\Include
Then set the dropdown to Libraries and do the same, but with

e.g. c:\directx9_2007\Lib
No idea what 'Cor_Direct3D9.h' is. Must be specific to the code you found
ok, it works now. Thank you very much!
VS 2008 is not officially supported with the DX SDK until the march 2008 release from what I understand although as you found out it seems to work okay with the nov 07 DX SDK.
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