blitzbasic movement

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1 comment, last by Moonboy333 16 years, 2 months ago
Hello Everyone! This is my first post on here! YAY! :P Anyway, I am not exactly new to game development but I am very bad at it. I am trying to get a basic FPS style movement/looking system. I have to movement rotation, gravity and collisions all in but here are my problems: 1.If I look up and then hit the forward button, I move up. I tried changing the forward and backward controls from TranslateEntity to Moveentity. 2. I need help with the jumping system. How can I make it so you can only jump once until you hit the ground. How do I make the jump smooth as well. 3. I use blender for my 3d models but i can't import them into blitz What is another easy 3d program that is free but powerful that i could use 4. Gravity tips also welcome Here is my complete code: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graphics3D 1024, 768 SetBuffer BackBuffer() ;Collisions type_camera=1 type_ground=2 ;Create Cameras camera=CreateCamera() PositionEntity camera, 0,5,5 RotateEntity camera, 0,0,0 EntityType camera,type_camera EntityRadius camera, 4 ;Lights light1=CreateLight() ;Create Terrain plane=CreatePlane() PositionEntity plane,0,0,0 tex=LoadTexture("landscape-rocky.jpg") ScaleTexture tex, 100,100 EntityTexture plane, tex EntityType plane,type_ground ;objects cube1=CreateCube() PositionEntity cube1,0,5,5 cube2=CreateCube() PositionEntity cube2,0,5,-5 ;Collision Calling Collisions type_camera,type_ground,2,2 ;Exit Sequence (take out for final game) While Not KeyDown(1) ;Movements ; Player 1 If KeyDown(17) MoveEntity camera,0,0,1 If KeyDown(31) MoveEntity camera,0,0,-1 If KeyDown(32) MoveEntity camera,1,0,0 If KeyDown(30) MoveEntity camera,-1,0,0 If KeyDown(57) MoveEntity camera,0,3,0 If KeyDown(22) pitch#=pitch#-1 If KeyDown(36) pitch#=pitch#+1 If KeyDown(35) yaw#=yaw#+1 If KeyDown(37) yaw#=yaw#-1 RotateEntity camera,pitch#,yaw#,roll# TranslateEntity camera, 0,-.5,0 UpdateWorld RenderWorld Flip Wend End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any help would be appreciated Thanks! Peter PS Ignore the cubes, they were there from a previous experiment. You also need to use your own texture for the ground. [Edited by - Moonboy333 on February 2, 2008 1:10:30 PM]
Any Help Would be appreciated.
sorry please ignore this thread!
I made a mistake and have decided to ditch Blitz because it can't do what I want as well as other programs. Sorry

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