Fastest Line Rasterizer

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13 comments, last by C0D1F1ED 16 years, 3 months ago
hi, I was just wondering what algorithm is the fastest when rasterizing a line?
Depends on the hardware. If you have access to hardware accelerator, the fastest algorithm consists in sending the appropriate data to the driver.

Otherwise, tell us more about your cache usage.
no hardware acceleration - just the general algorithm, which one is fastest in computers, is it Bresenham's?
Quote:Original post by staticVoid2
no hardware acceleration - just the general algorithm, which one is fastest in computers, is it Bresenham's?

Depends on your cache usage. If your render target is very large, then using an intermediary span-buffer or grouping lines together might be a better alternative. If your render target is small, Bresenham should be acceptable.

Though, as I mentioned earlier, using hardware acceleration on any recent computer should be ten to fifty times faster than using Bresenham, anyway.
I mean a more generic algorithm not specific to any hardware requirements or cache. written in c++, can you recomend ONE of the fastest algorithms.
Bresenham's algorithm has a time complexity which is linear in the number of pixels drawn. This makes it the fastest algorithm in terms of theoretical time complexity.

This is a property of the algorithm, independent of it being written in C++ or not.

As for C++, there is no such thing as a fastest line-drawing algorithm, so your question cannot be answered.

Perhaps you should explain why you are asking this.
And if you want to draw anti-aliased lines, then check out Wu lines.
On hardware where Bresenham is fast, run-sliced line drawing is generally faster than Bresenham for longer lines.

However, I imagine straight DDA is competitive with, if not faster than Bresenham on most CPUs with reciprocal approximation and float-to-int instructions due to a simpler inner loop.

So the answer is, "it depends."
can anyone identify what this algorithm is:
void Rasterizer::DrawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, char * video_buffer, int mem_pitch, int color) {      int deltay = (y1 - y0);      int deltax = (x1 - x0);      if(absi(deltax) > absi(deltay)) { // absi = absolute value of an int         float m = (float)deltay / (float)deltax; // gradient         double y = y0;  // starting point         double x = x0;         int xx; // the sign of x (with direction it is to be incremented)         if(x1 < x0) {            xx = -1;            m = -m;         } else xx = 1;         while(x != x1) {            video_buffer[((int)y * mem_pitch) + (int)x] = color;            y += m;            x += xx;         }      } else {         float m = (float)deltax / (float)deltay; // gradient         double y = y0; // starting point         double x = x0;         int yy;  // the sign of y (which direction it is to be incremented)         if(y1 < y0) {            yy = -1;            m = -m;         } else yy = 1;         while(y != y1) {            video_buffer[((int)y * mem_pitch) + (int)x] = color;            x += m;            y += yy;         }      }}

I just threw it together, it seems to work though i don't know if it has a name?

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