Thoughts on Open University Degree

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1 comment, last by ibebrett 16 years, 3 months ago
Would anyone have recommendations for the Open University Degrees on Computing Science, I run my own business but I would like to get a degree in my spare time as my passion has been programming for many years and more recently I've been getting heavily into teaching myself mathematics (algebra,trig,calculus etc). I'm not really in a position to drop everything and goto University, but this seems like a viable option and might aswell get a Bsc to show for it in my own time? Thanks for any thoughts on this or suggestions otherwise etc. Edit: Sorry I meant to post this in the "for beginners" section. oops
As the all wise unix program "fortune" says, "Never allow your lessons to interfere with your education". I'm currently finding that a lot of what I'm learning in the first year of my software engineering course is not really useful to *me*, e.g. finite state machines. You must ask yourself if knowing more maths and spending time jumping through hoops (exams) is really going to help you. In my case it will, since companies are asking for either 3 years experience, or a degree. Do you need a BSc? Will it allow you to make more profit? Or will it be a pretty certificate to hang on the wall?
Don't thank me, thank the moon's gravitation pull! Post in My Journal and help me to not procrastinate!
how could FSMs not be useful???!

seriously though, i agree with specieseUnkown, i get alot more learning done on my own than from being in classes. Some classes are invaluable, but many you have to take are the jump through the hoop stuff.


Ive decided to add that the learning environment of the university can be great. Instead of taking a class, maybe you could go and hang out with some students working on projects and get involved.

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