This has been bothering me for weeks...

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3 comments, last by Codexus 16 years, 2 months ago
Greetings, Why do I keep seeing novice programmers ask questions about code not working, then turning out that the code is for Turbo C++ but they are using Dev-C++? I've seen this all over Google, lately more than ever for some reason. Just wondering.
Should be no difference between Turbo C++ code and Dev-C++

C++ is a standard. Dev-C++ is old.
the reason a lot of people can have problem programming C++ from tutorials is the author of the tutorial has wrtiten the code in non standard c++ that there compilier will accept. Any good tutorial will be writen in standard C++ when a person has trouble with code in this fashion one should direct them to a better tutorial or better yet recomend they invest in a book (and not sams teach yourself c++ in 21 days it has too many code errors)
I'm just guessing here, but maybe it's because they're using Turbo C++ at school (because of ancient hardware) and try to compile their code at home?
I think there is still a lot of code written with Turbo C++ for DOS floating around the internet. It used to be quite popular. I imagine the n00bs could easily be trying to get those to work?

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