All objects are shadowed when using MAKEFOURCC('D','F','2','4')

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0 comments, last by ET3D 16 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I'm having a similar problem to the guy in The issue with my program is that it casts a shadow onto the whole of the object but also the right shadow is cast behind the objects. I've been able to output the shadow depth buffer to an image and i've noticed that the image only contains two colours, black and white. So now it's obvious why the objects are being shadowed. Free Image Hosting at I've done shadow mapping before using the method where the depth is written to a render target, this works, and when i output the shadow depth buffer i get a nice depth image. Here's some code:

// This Vertex shader code is used to write to the depth buffer:
// Vertex Shader

PSInputShadow3 VS_Main_Shadow3( float4 InPos : POSITION )
	SPSInputShadow3 Out = (SPSInputShadow3)0;

	Out.Pos = mul( InPos, LightWVPMat );
	Out.Pos.z /= MaxLightRange;
	// The MaxLightRange is 500, which is the lights far clip

	return Out;

// I've had to do this pixel/fragment shader because i'm using shader v3.0
// Pixel Shader

float4 PS_Main_Shadow3( PSInputShadow3 Input ) : COLOR
	return float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

Anyone know where i could be going wrong? Thanks Ankur
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I've never worked with that ATI extension, but I'd suggest that you check the values more carefully. It may be that the black/white in your saved image is simply a clipped version of a wider range of values. Try saving into a float DDS image, or getting the value to the CPU side and checking them there.

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