subclass to a class member function?

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2 comments, last by rofseek 15 years, 11 months ago
I have a c++ class that I use to encapsulate all the functionality for a particular common control. I subclass the control so as to custom draw it, but right now I have to pass it a standalone global function, not a member function of the class. How can I set the GWL_WNDPROC of my control to a public function of the class I'm using?
This document does something similar to what you want, it should give you enough information for what you need:

Creating a Win32 Window Wrapper Class
ah. I looked up pointers to member functions, and found out basically that I shouldn't be trying to do this. My mix of class functions and globals will have to do for now. thanks
You can use member functions as callbacks however you have to do a little trick...
What you can do is create a static member function (since it has the asme function signature as a regular C-function, and use that as a wrapper.. an example is for an EnumWindows callback.. you could do something like this

class Foo{public:    Foo() : Myhwnd(NULL) {}    ~Foo() {}    Foo() : Myhwnd(NULL), ProcID(ProcessId) (unsigned long ProcessId)    {        EnumWindows((WNDENUMPROC)Wrapper, this);    }    inline HWND Get()    {        return Myhwnd;    }protected:    HWND Myhwnd;    unsigned long ProcID;    static int __stdcall Wrapper(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam)    {       Foo* pFooObj = (Foo*)lParam;       return pFooObj->MemberCallback(hWnd);    }    int MemberCallback(HWND hWnd)    {        unsigned long PID = 0;        GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &PID);        if(PID == ProcId)        {            Myhwnd = hWnd;            return false;        }        else            return true;    }};

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