I have $500 bucks to spend, recommend me some good books.

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23 comments, last by Servant of the Lord 15 years, 10 months ago
Ok, thanks to the company I work for I get a $500 allowance once a year to be used on books. They have to be computer/technical related, however. So, with my current goals of being a project manager for a game design studio, and also to learn C# and then C++ (in relating to game design), please recommend me some books! I'm at step 1 of learning how to code in C# as well as other languages (C++ being my other interest) and I've tossed in some game design project management type books onto my list already, along with A+ and Network+ books for reference/training, to get you an idea of where I'm coming from. What else should I buy? EDIT: I suppose what I'm really asking is, what books have worked well for you to learn C# and C++ or get into the game design type of work? [Edited by - Landshark on June 25, 2008 5:43:17 PM]

-Landshark (Scott)

A Growing Community of Aspiring Game Developers


The Pragmatic Programmer, Effective C++ and The Mythical Man-Month are some books I would recommend - if you don't have them already, of course. :)

The Pragmatic Programmer contains a lot of good software development advice. Effective C++ is full of C++-specific tips, certainly a must-have if you're into C++. The Mythical Man-Month is more management-oriented, good for the big picture.
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Quote:Original post by Landshark
(C++ being my other interest)

Accelerated C++
The C++ Programming Language
C++ Common Knowledge
Effective C++
Effective STL
Quote:Original post by Captain P
The Pragmatic Programmer contains a lot of good software development advice.

Quit screwin' around! - Brock Samson
If that company happens to be Microsoft, don't forget to make use of their rather extensive technical library. If you don't have time to visit the library in person, you can access their catalog through the network and have them delivered to you and there are convenient drop-boxes in every building. I've made quite a lot of use of the company library over the last 6 months.

Books I have on my recently read and "to read" list include:
Exceptional C++
More Exceptional C++
Exceptional C++ style
Effective STL
Effective C++ 3rd Ed.
More Effective C++
The C++ Standard Library
C++ Template Metaprogramming
C++ Coding Standards
C++ Common Knowlege
C++ Gotchas
Memory as a Programming Concept in C and C++
Write Great Code volume 1
Write Great Code volume 2
Game Programming Gems volumes 1-6

Granted, my list is heavily geared towards C++ development and doesn't include any C# or management type books, but from my research these are some of the cream-of-the-crop in C++, and some of the books above cover fairly advanced topics. I've heard good things about "Accelerated C++" for the beginner-intermediate crowd, which comes from the same series as the more advanced texts I've listed.

Also, having a copy of "The C++ programming Language" is a requirement for anyone studying C++. Its not a book that you read cover to cover to learn from, but its an indispensable reference when you need an in-depth explanation of features of the c++ language. Do not be without this book.

A quick note on Effective C++. The 3rd edition of Effective C++ is actually newer than the most recent edition of More Effective C++, and includes some of it's topics. More Effective C++ is still a good book, but some of it's items are less relevant today, or relevant in different ways, than when it was written (circa 1998 or 2001, I forget); my point being, if it comes to one or the other, go with Effective C++ and make sure to get the 3rd Edition.

For you, as a relative beginner to C++, I would recommend in order:
Accelerated C++
The C++ Programming Language
The C++ Standard Library
Effective C++ 3rd edition
Effective STL

Also, not to be commercial, but since you're in my area I'd like to mention that I have 3 extra, pristine hardbound copies of "The C++ Programming Language Special Edition" and I'd be happy to part with one for less than what you can find it for used on Amazon, though I doubt I'd qualify for your book allowance... Then again, if you can part with oh, 30 bucks or so of your own cash, you can free up $50 in your book allowance. PM me if you'd be interested.

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Wow, thanks for the extensive book lists!

The allowance isn't coming from MS, but yes I do work there. I didn't know about the library books being delivered to you...cool deal. Ravyne I'll PM you and toss you my alias.

Does anyone have a good list for C# books?

-Landshark (Scott)

A Growing Community of Aspiring Game Developers


Effective C++
More Effective C++
Effective STL
All 3 by Scott Meyers

Game Programming Gems is another awesome series full of lots of really useful little articles on lots of different topics.

Design Patterns: Elements of reusable software by 4 guys. Really dense book, I tend to only read a bit a time, stop and think about what they are saying, then continue. It's full of great ideas.


And lots of it!
------------Anything prior to 9am should be illegal.
Quote:Original post by Landshark
I didn't know about the library books being delivered to you.

Before you buy any books, you should at least read a few pages from it in a library. Some books may be too advanced, others not advanced enough etc.
For example, I wouldn't recommend Exceptional C++ to a beginner. You won't understand anything.
I would say the Mythical Man-Month and Code Complete, for the project management side of things.

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