Just starting out...

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3 comments, last by Skaff 15 years, 11 months ago
I'm currently looking into schools and programs for Game Developement. And I'm only just starting out with everything in general. I've played games and had an interest in games my whole life. But I never gave serious thought to a career in Game Development untill recent years. I had always considered other careers, but the more time past the more I began to believe my passion was in Gaming. I've been looking at getting a new system, most likely a laptop for school purposes. My real questions is, what system is the best option for Game Developement? I've always been a PC user, but have had a great interest in Macs for years. Especially after OSX. And now with BootCamp and other programs enabling the use of Vista on a Mac. Or Linux. But I don't want to get a Mac, if I'm gonna need to use PCs more for Game Developement. Or the other way around. Don't want to end up with a PC to only find out Macs are of more use. I know that in alot of cases Macs have been prefered for Digital Art and Design, just not sure if that translates into the Gaming world. Thank you, in advance.
I'd say as long as you're planning on writing portable games the system doesn't matter.

Just keep in mind that most gamers out there have a PC running M$ Windows (not to mention consoles).
If I was helpful, feel free to rate me up ;)If I wasn't and you feel to rate me down, please let me know why!
In my experience, Microsoft Visual Studio is the most popular tool for Game Programmers. Most art tools are available on Mac and PC though.
Quote:Original post by Supernaut3
I'm currently looking into schools and programs for Game Developement. And I'm only just starting out with everything in general. I've played games and had an interest in games my whole life. But I never gave serious thought to a career in Game Development untill recent years. I had always considered other careers, but the more time past the more I began to believe my passion was in Gaming.

I've been looking at getting a new system, most likely a laptop for school purposes. My real questions is, what system is the best option for Game Developement? I've always been a PC user, but have had a great interest in Macs for years. Especially after OSX. And now with BootCamp and other programs enabling the use of Vista on a Mac. Or Linux.

But I don't want to get a Mac, if I'm gonna need to use PCs more for Game Developement. Or the other way around. Don't want to end up with a PC to only find out Macs are of more use. I know that in alot of cases Macs have been prefered for Digital Art and Design, just not sure if that translates into the Gaming world.

Thank you, in advance.

I am switching over to a MAC for my semester of College this fall. I am also getting Windows Vista and I am going to use Boot Camp. I am doing this, as my college DOES use DirectX and I would like to learn Direct 10 on my own time. Why go with a MAC then if my college does stuff windows specific? It is because I am a huge supporter for Apple and because writing portable code is something that really interest me. MAC Gamers need attention, so I feel like I could give them some attention later on.

If you are looking at schools and programs that might get you into game development, just do some research on the programs/school and if they require you get a computer for that program. Many two year schools as well as 4 year University's do end up having students get specific computers for the programs they enroll in. I would hate to see you buy a computer only to have a requirement to buy a new one a few months down the road.

Generally I go by a rule of thumb when thinking of what computers should be used for certain tasks. Most routes (programming ect) I would take the PC route but if I know that I'll be dealing with graphics, animations ect I might be inclined to choose a mac.

Hope this helps and good luck!

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