c# unsafe code: pinning asynchronously

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0 comments, last by thedustbustr 15 years, 9 months ago
asynchronous might be the wrong word. I'm putting a C# GUI around a C++/CLI class. The GUI registers a C# callback with C++, this callback returns a writable pointer to a bitmap. Is this even possible to do with the unsafe/fixed keywords? I need to hold my C# image pointer fixed starting in the BeginRender callback, and ending in the EndRender callback. The image pointer cannot move between those calls.
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

            BeginRender_callback = new ManagedSs.BeginRender_callback(BeginRender);
            EndRender_callback = new ManagedSs.EndRender_callback(EndRender);
            Resize_callback = new ManagedSs.Resize_callback(Resize_);

            ss = new ManagedSs();



        public unsafe sbyte* BeginRender()
            //pin image buf
            return nullptr; // fixed_image_write_pointer;
        public unsafe void EndRender()
            //refresh image
        public void Resize_(int width, int height)
            //resize image

        private ManagedSs.BeginRender_callback BeginRender_callback;
        private ManagedSs.EndRender_callback EndRender_callback;
        private ManagedSs.Resize_callback Resize_callback;

        private ManagedSs;

[Edited by - thedustbustr on July 2, 2008 9:53:14 AM]
New problem. I can write to the bitmap, but the containing picturebox does not update. If I call picturebox.invalidate(), nothing happens, probably because this method is being executed as a callback from a separate thread. if I use picturebox.update(), it crashes telling me that I can't call that from a separate thread. if I use picturebox.invoke to call invalidate through a delegate, still nothing happens.

For googlers, here is the solution to the original problem:

        public unsafe sbyte* BeginRender()        {            Rectangle locked_area =                 new Rectangle(0,0,target_image.Width, target_image.Height);            target_data = target_image.LockBits(                locked_area,                System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly,                target_image.PixelFormat);            IntPtr pixels = target_data.Scan0;            return (sbyte*)pixels;        }        public unsafe void EndRender()        {            target_image.UnlockBits(target_data);            pictureBox1.Invalidate();        }

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