Shooting in game help

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15 comments, last by theOcelot 15 years, 10 months ago
Hey guys I have now implemented shooting into my top down shooter game and there are a couple of things im not sure how to do or fix. First off I can only shoot I know its lame but im not sure exactly how to make more than one. Also second thing I need it to fire directly from the ship but right now it will only fire from the center of the screen meaning: if I start the game and move my shop to the far right when I hit fire it the bullet appears in the center instead in front of my ship and fires away. Firing function

#ifndef _FIRE_H
#define _FIRE_H

#include "PlayerShip.h"
#include "game.h"

class Fire
	int x , y;        // Variables to handle Coordinates
	int movex , movey;
	int width , height;
	void FireBasicGun();  // Function Prototypes
	void FireSpecial();   //---------------------


// Fire.h Implementation File

#include "Fire.h"

void Fire::FireBasicGun()
	Fire::y -= Fire::movey;

	if(Fire::y > 0)
		Fire::y -= Fire::movey;
void Fire::FireSpecial()
   // Code for firing special 
   // weapon

gun_fire = LoadTexture("firegun1.bmp",D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,0,255));
	if (gun_fire == NULL)
		return 0;

	Gun.x = Player.x;
	Gun.y = Player.y;
	Gun.width = 24;
	Gun.height = 32;
	Gun.movey = 10;
	Gun.movex = 10;

void Game_Run(HWND hwnd)
    //make sure the Direct3D device is valid
    if (d3ddev == NULL)

        //after short delay, ready for next frame?
        //this keeps the game running at a steady frame rate
        if (GetTickCount() - start >= 30)
            //reset timing
            start = GetTickCount();           

            //move the sprite
				isFire = true;
			if(FIRE == true)
			 //update the scrolling view

        //start rendering
        if (d3ddev->BeginScene())
		    //erase the entire background
		    d3ddev->StretchRect(tiles, NULL, backbuffer, NULL, D3DTEXF_NONE);

            //start sprite handler

			 //create vector to update sprite position
	        D3DXVECTOR3 position((float)Player.x, (float)Player.y, 0);   

			D3DXVECTOR3 position2((float)Gun.x, (float)Gun.y, 0);
			//draw tiles onto the scroll buffer
			//draw the scroll window onto the back buffer
            if(isFire == true)
                FIRE = true;
            //draw the sprite
			//stop rendering

    //display the back buffer on the screen
    d3ddev->Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    //check for escape key (to exit program)
    if (Key_Down(DIK_ESCAPE))


So if someone could help me it would br great and if you can explain the steps for me that would be nice since I am learning and that way I will learn from you instead of just copying your code. Thanks!
Well the reason your gun is shooting from the center of the screen is because you have to make sure you update the gun position every time you update the player position. In pseudo code you could have something like this....

update ship x position
update ship y position
update gun x position
update gun y position

In your code I noticed you only set the gun position once in the beginning.

[Edited by - blewisjr on July 4, 2008 12:30:47 PM]
Quote:Original post by blewisjr
Well the reason your gun is shooting from the center of the screen is because you have to make sure you update the gun position every time you update the player position. In pseudo code you could have something like this....

update ship x position
update ship y position
update gun x position
update gun y position

In your code I noticed you only set the gun position once in the beginning.

Ok I understand what your saying but where in the could do I need to update the gun position? Because im not sure if I am doing it before the if(isFire == true) or inside the if(isFire == true) etc

Just not sure where to put it, but I understand what your saying and it makes sense.
Update the gun position where you are moving your ship sprite. For instance if you press the right arrow key you move the ship right make sure you update the gun position to match the position of the ship.

Pseudo code again

If Left Arrow press   change ship coords to new position   change gun coords to match new ship coords

[Edited by - blewisjr on July 4, 2008 12:17:59 PM]
Quote:Original post by blewisjr
Update the gun position where you are moving your ship sprite. For instance if you press the right arrow key you move the ship right make sure you update the gun position to match the position of the ship.

Pseudo code again

*** Source Snippet Removed ***

Dont think I can because they are in seperate files, the movement of both sprites that is.

The ships movement is handled by playership.cpp and the gun fire by fire.cpp.

Of can I still do that?


Just thought of something couldnt I pass the ships x and y to the function that moves the gun fire as parameters something like this:

void Fire::FireBasicGun(int x, int y)
Fire::x = x;
Fire::y = y;

Fire::y -= Fire::movey;

if(Fire::y > 0)
Fire::y -= Fire::movey;


Would that work?
There alone is the first flaw. Your design is slightly off. The classes for the ship and the gun can be separated but why. The gun is part of the ship.

If you insist on keeping them separate then you should put in a property structure into each class. Use getters and setters. In the Ship class you would have 2 private variables for position x and position y. You would have the same in the gun class. Then in both classes you would have getters and setters for these values. SetPosX(int x) for instance and int GetPosX. This way in the main game class you can use the setters to update the objects positions and then in the draw you can use the getters to retrieve the positions from the objects.

However, in all honesty since the gun is part of the players ship I would just keep the 2 together in the same class and share the position values where the origin of the gun projectile is the position of the ship and after the projectile leaves the ship it should have its own variable that tracks its travel. Making the ship and the gun move as one unit.

EDIT: sorry did not see your edit. is Fire::x and Fire::y the origin of the projectile if it is yes if not then no.

[Edited by - blewisjr on July 4, 2008 12:41:16 PM]
Quote:Original post by blewisjr
There alone is the first flaw. Your design is slightly off. The classes for the ship and the gun can be separated but why. The gun is part of the ship.

If you insist on keeping them separate then you should put in a property structure into each class. Use getters and setters. In the Ship class you would have 2 private variables for position x and position y. You would have the same in the gun class. Then in both classes you would have getters and setters for these values. SetPosX(int x) for instance and int GetPosX. This way in the main game class you can use the setters to update the objects positions and then in the draw you can use the getters to retrieve the positions from the objects.

However, in all honesty since the gun is part of the players ship I would just keep the 2 together in the same class and share the position values where the origin of the gun projectile is the position of the ship and after the projectile leaves the ship it should have its own variable that tracks its travel. Making the ship and the gun move as one unit.

EDIT: sorry did not see your edit. is Fire::x and Fire::y the origin of the projectile if it is yes if not then no.

Let me see if I understand:

First off here is my class
class PlayerShip{public:	int x , y;        // Variables to handle Coordinates	int movex , movey;	int width , height;	void CallMovement();  // Function Prototypes};#endif

and here is the implementation

// PlayerShip.h Implementation File#include "PlayerShip.h"void PlayerShip::CallMovement(){  if(Key_Down(DIK_LEFT))  {	  if(PlayerShip::x != 0)	{		PlayerShip::x -= PlayerShip::movex;	}  }  if(Key_Down(DIK_RIGHT))  {	  if(PlayerShip::x < (SCREEN_WIDTH - PlayerShip::width))	{		PlayerShip::x += PlayerShip::movex;	}  }  if(Key_Down(DIK_UP))  {	  if(PlayerShip::y != 0)	{		PlayerShip::y -= PlayerShip::movey;	}  }  if(Key_Down(DIK_DOWN))  {	  if(PlayerShip::y < (SCREEN_HEIGHT - PlayerShip::height))	{		PlayerShip::y += PlayerShip::movey;	}  }}

Ok so your saying that I should keep them together, ok I understand the thinking behind that it makes sense. But how to do that is where I am a little fuzzy should I make a struct within the class that will have variables for the gun? Is that what your saying?

I am sorry that I have to make you explain so much but you really are helping me understand and I appreciate it.
A struct would work fine. Then pass the struct into your FireBasicGuns function. And update the struct a long with the ship position in the movement code. That should work if I understand your code properly.

[Edited by - blewisjr on July 4, 2008 12:12:34 PM]
Quote:Original post by blewisjr
A struct would work fine. Then pass the struct into your FireBasicGuns function. And update the struct a long with the ship position in the movement code. That should work if I understand your code properly.

Ok well I have done that now but I am getting some weird errors.

Here is the class now with the struct:

class PlayerShip{public:	int x , y;        // Variables to handle Coordinates	int movex , movey;	int width , height;	void CallMovement();  // Function Prototypes};struct Gun{public:	int x , y;        // Variables to handle Coordinates	int movex , movey;	int width , height;};#endif

And the implementation:

// PlayerShip.h Implementation File#include "PlayerShip.h"void PlayerShip::CallMovement(){	Gun::x = PlayerShip::x;	Gun::y = PlayerShip::y;  if(Key_Down(DIK_LEFT))  {	  if(PlayerShip::x != 0)	{		PlayerShip::x -= PlayerShip::movex;		Gun::x -= PlayerShip::movex;	}  }  if(Key_Down(DIK_RIGHT))  {	  if(PlayerShip::x < (SCREEN_WIDTH - PlayerShip::width))	{		PlayerShip::x += PlayerShip::movex;		Gun::x += PlayerShip::movex;	}  }  if(Key_Down(DIK_UP))  {	  if(PlayerShip::y != 0)	{		PlayerShip::y -= PlayerShip::movey;		Gun::x -= PlayerShip::movey;	}  }  if(Key_Down(DIK_DOWN))  {	  if(PlayerShip::y < (SCREEN_HEIGHT - PlayerShip::height))	{		PlayerShip::y += PlayerShip::movey;		Gun::y += PlayerShip::movey;	}  }}

The error states:

Error 32 error C2597: illegal reference to non-static member 'Gun::x'

And there are 6 of them. I dont quite understand why this error is there. Any ideas?

You're getting wierd errors because you're doing weird things. Why are you using the syntax Gun::x, PlayerShip::x? You should be using Gun.x, Player.x. Actually, in a member function of Player, whenever you use x it is assumed to be Player.x / Player::x / whatever. You need to have an actual instance of your Gun struct. I would suggest making the Gun a member of PlayerShip, either by value or by a pointer.

If that didn't make sense, you probably need to go back and do some basic research on OOP, and make sure you're clear on the distinction between a class and an object.

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