win32 and mfc, which one is more "Usefull"

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11 comments, last by bobsaget 15 years, 10 months ago
Quote:Original post by bobsaget
But if and when MS goes completely to WPF will it mean that win32 will be gone(I know technology evolves and things are added and removed)?

Win32 is being actively developed and will continue to be used. WPF sits on top of the .Net Framework and since .Net continues to rely on Win32 so will WPF.

But, supposing Win32 becomes deprecated in the future your apps will continue to run. Microsoft removes functionality from its APIs on only very rare circumstances because backwards compatibility is a very high priority. Anything you learn about the Win32 API you'll be able to use for the foreseeable future.

Having said that, what Ra said is accurate. For game development MFC is going to be overkill in most cases.
It actually seems like WPF doesn't use Win32 all that much, if this quote from Wikipedia is correct.

Quote:While the majority of WPF is in managed code, the composition engine which renders the WPF applications is a native component. It is named Media Integration Layer (MIL) and resides in milcore.dll. It interfaces directly with DirectX and provides basic support for 2D and 3D surfaces, timer-controlled manipulation of contents of a surface with a view to exposing animation constructs at a higher level, and compositing the individual elements of a WPF application into a final 3D "scene" that represents the UI of the application and renders it to the screen

Italics added for emphasis.

Of course I could be misunderstanding it or Wikipedia is simply incorrect.

C++: A Dialog | C++0x Features: Part1 (lambdas, auto, static_assert) , Part 2 (rvalue references) , Part 3 (decltype) | Write Games | Fix Your Timestep!

But does that mean wpf and games will be done and pushed right away like xna or will it go in slowly?

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