Some M3G questions for skinned Meshes and basically.

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10 comments, last by Art1977 15 years, 9 months ago
Hi i´am writing my diploma thesis and m3g is a part of it, the actual title is: Analysis and practical application of real-time 3D character creation and implementation, exemplary for a real-time application with the help of the XNA - Framework in C # and M3G in Java. In this application there will only be this one character, noting else. I want to create some walkcycle and idle animation and use this in the application by keypress. At the moment i´am modelling the Charakter for the XNA - Application. The Polycount will be 10.000 Tris. But i didn´t really know how much tris are performant on the m3g application for my optimised model. Also i can´t find anything about the supported texture maps. (Color,Spec, Bump etc...). For the animation i don´t know how many bone influences are supported by m3g. Typical it should be 4 but m3g is surely less. Also for the export of the model. Just pure Bones and Smooth Bind Mesh without any IK-Handles etc..?
Have you looked at the M3G file format?
Thx for your reply.

Yes i did, but unfortunately i didn´t find explicit informations about my questions.
If you're doing your thesis on this, shouldn't you already know these things? [tears]

You're not going to find an optimal polycount for the m3g format because it depends on too many factors. As far as what material values are used in the m3g format, try looking again at that link Gage64 provided. Part of the info you're looking for on animation is there, too, but not all of it because it differs based on the situation.
laziness is the foundation of efficiency | | Adventures in Game Production | @zer0wolf - Twitter
No i haven´t done anything with m3g.

My thesis was at first, only with XNA. My Prof. is more interested in open source and OpenGL than in microsoft products. So i has to do both to meet the interests of us. And m3g is unfortunately not well documented.

But for the bone influence i can´t find anything in the link about the specification, also for the supported textures.
You could try asking on jmonkeyengine.
This is a java opensource 3D eninge. Maybe the guys there now more about writing 3D in Java...
M3G is for cell phone development. What does that have to do with OpenGL or Java as a whole?

Quote:But for the bone influence i can´t find anything in the link about the specification

This was already answered for you. It depends. There is no hard coded limited (as far as I can tell). Most formats don't limit you on this, actually.

Quote: also for the supported textures.

Reread the materials section. Again, M3G is a mobile format. You don't have umpteen maps layered onto a model, because there simply isn't room on a cell phone.

Why would you change your thesis because your Prof has something against Microsoft?
laziness is the foundation of efficiency | | Adventures in Game Production | @zer0wolf - Twitter
Because the low-level rendering model is based on OpenGL ES, with the higher-level functionality layered on top.

For the texture question i found something here at page 113:

I think you're missing my point here. Comparing XNA and C# with OpenGL ES and Java ME (both subsets of their respective specifications) is seriously comparing apples to oranges. Both combos are designed for very different situations.

C# & XNA -> PC and Xbox 360 Games
Java ME & OpenGL ES -> Mobile devices, like cell phones
laziness is the foundation of efficiency | | Adventures in Game Production | @zer0wolf - Twitter
Ok, now i understand you. but i don´t compare both. The main aspect is the 3D character Creation and the exemplary implemenentation in some applications like a XNA and M3G application.

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