How to resize a window properly

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1 comment, last by hdagelic 15 years, 7 months ago
Hello I have a problem - I can't move/resize an opengl window properly for screen to world coordinates conversion to work afterwards. All elements of the scene are drawn using screen-to-world conversion. After I resize the window the width and height change as they should but the scene stays at the same place [(0,0) coordinate remains at the exactly same place of the screen not "following" the top of the window] I mean what must I reset during the resize for gluunproject to work as it should (and map window coordinates to opengl coordinates) Here's the resize code: procedure glResizeWnd(Sirina, Visina : Integer); begin ..glViewport(0, 0, Sirina, Visina); // Set the viewport for the OpenGL window ..glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // Change Matrix Mode to Projection ..glLoadIdentity(); // Reset View ..gluPerspective(45.0, Sirina/Visina, 2.0, 100.0); // Do the perspective calculations. Last value = max clipping depth ..glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Return to the modelview matrix ..glLoadIdentity(); // Reset View end; function glPostaviProzParam(x, y, Sirina, Visina : integer) : Integer; var flag : uint; rez : bool; begin ..Result := 0; ..flag := SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS or SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOOWNERZORDER; ..rez := SetWindowPos(gl_HWND, HWND_TOPMOST, x, y, Sirina, Visina, flag); .....if (smallint(rez) = 0) then .....begin ........Result := GetLastError; .....end; // Dohvati device context ..gl_HDC := GetDC(gl_HWND); ..if (gl_HDC = 0) then ..begin ....glUnistiProzor; ....Result := 3; ....Exit; ..end; ..glResizeWnd(Sirina, Visina); end; When I want to resize I call the second function which adjusts the window size/position via windows function setwindowpos and then calls glResizeWnd Here is the code for screen coordinate mapping: function GetOGLPos(X, Y: Integer): T3D_Point; var ..viewport: array [1..4] of Integer; ..modelview: array [1..16] of Double; ..projection: array [1..16] of Double; ..winZ: Single; begin ..glGetDoublev( GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, @modelview ); ..glGetDoublev( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, @projection ); ..glGetIntegerv( GL_VIEWPORT, @viewport ); ..if( Y = 0 )then Y := 1; ..gluUnProject( X, viewport[4]-Y, 0.5, ..@modelview, @projection, @viewport, Result[1], Result[2], Result[3]); end;
When I add the SWP_NOSIZE flag to setwindowpos function so it just moves the window - the top (0,0) is where it should be; at the top of the window. If I then call setwindowpos again with SWP_NOMOVE so it just sizes the window - the top drops and it's not at the top of the window...
...fixed it, sorry. The problem was that I was calling glWiewport etc. from a different thread..

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