why is C++ still being over-used?

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257 comments, last by jbadams 15 years, 7 months ago
Quote:Original post by Telastyn
Remember that rewards for regretting a sin works better than just punishing without prior warning without forgiveness, in encouraging us to divert from sinful paths!

As if the C++ zealotry wasn't bad enough...

Then I see no reason to stop taking part in this thread, if I get downrated even after stopping to participate in it, it doesn't really matter whether I participate or not because once I've made a little error I'm doomed forever no matter what I do. As a result, I'll come back and reply to your posts in more detail later when I have time. Unless the downraters realize the stupidity of trying to discourage participation by downrating those who have stopped participating. Almost as counter-productive as the unsafe keyword ;)
lets face it
C ++ and the other C languages have the most support from microsoft and its their main development platform. So any major commercial product is most likely going to be programmed in C or C++ assuming your playing a windows based game. Its gets you as close to the hardware as the windows API allows it and it gives you full program control (assuming you need it)
So until someone develops a language that gives just as much control as C but is geared towards game development then C will be the standard for anyone who wants to be taken seriously within the game development community.
Quote:Original post by spiralseven
lets face it
C ++ and the other C languages have the most support from microsoft and its their main development platform. So any major commercial product is most likely going to be programmed in C or C++ assuming your playing a windows based game. Its gets you as close to the hardware as the windows API allows it and it gives you full program control (assuming you need it)
So until someone develops a language that gives just as much control as C but is geared towards game development then C will be the standard for anyone who wants to be taken seriously within the game development community.

And C and C++ is still very big in the Linux system too. The day C++ dies is the day C dies too. Give it time. Years to come I bet there will be a better language than C#. The day I move to C# is the day hell freezes over. Oh and I don't believe in hell so that will be never happen rofl.

[removed chart outdated]

heres a better one.

Popularity based on many sources.

C++ is pretty much still in more popular than C# except in maybe 1 or 2 sources.

But be sure to read the very bottom of the page.
Reminds me of Peter Molyneax speech at the XNA launch I attended, where he talked about having the piss taken out of him by David Braben because he wrote Populous in C instead of assembly. He was so embarressed that he coded his next two games in assembly language and they took twice as long to write.

In short use whichever language makes it easiest for you to get the job done. I find that at work I end up having to use C++, C#, Java and even PHP.
One of the games I worked on recently even had tools that were written in "Free Basic" because the lead programmer had been playing around with it at the time.

Quote:Original post by Buster2000
Reminds me of Peter Molyneax speech at the XNA launch I attended, where he talked about having the piss taken out of him by David Braben because he wrote Populous in C instead of assembly. He was so embarressed that he coded his next two games in assembly language and they took twice as long to write.

Now there are two guys who could bullshit for England. I wonder if they'll make it an official Olympic event for 2012.

Sean Timarco Baggaley (Est. 1971.)Warning: May contain bollocks.
Quote:Original post by all_names_taken
it doesn't really matter whether I participate or not because once I've made a little error I'm doomed forever no matter what I do.

More exaggerating -- you're nowhere near zero. I'm sure you can fix that if you really want to, though.

Given that the warning system is both low consequence and completely reversible -- anyone who rates you down can cancel their rating and then go on to rate you up if they so desire (something even I have done on occasion) -- people beginning to rate you down basically is your "warning", kind of like how kicking people in the #gamedev IRC channel is also considered a warning more than a punishment.
or maybe because the rating system is a joke.
This is getting boring.

Really boring.
Given that the discussion now seems to be about the rating system rather than the (already questionable) original topic, I'm closing this.

I suggest that next time the topic comes up some of you could get a real productivity boost and save yourselves some consternation at the same time by actually working towards getting something done rather than participating in a multi-page pointless rant.

- Jason Astle-Adams

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