I need help... Where to start

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7 comments, last by yaustar 15 years, 6 months ago
I have no idea where to start I would like to work on cinamatics, but i'm not an artist. I just don't dont know how to start in that direction or if i should do something else
Start by saying more about what your dreams are. What do you think you want to do in the future? If you don't know, what types of things would you like to do in your work? What do you know how to do already?

Be as specific as possible, and you'll get answers that are tailored for you.
Well, assuming you're talking about 3D animation, I've always liked the tutorials and forums over at www.3dtotal.com. They are under the "Free Stuff" menu item. There are tutorials for different levels of difficulty, so you'll have to look through them to find ones teaching the basics.

If you don't have a 3D modeling package, Maya PLE is free. All you renders will have a watermark over them, but it's an awesome tool. The actual version is a few thousand dollars. Autodesk also offers a 30-day trial of 3ds Max, which I like better for modeling.
I like math and am pretty good with numbers
im not that good at art but i like making movies and suff like that
i know a little bit about html code (enough to make a web site)
im thirteen and want to do cinamatic if i can but also programing or if you have suggestion ill look in to it because i don't know everything about making a game. if you need more info let me know
Quote:Original post by link3333
Well, assuming you're talking about 3D animation, I've always liked the tutorials and forums over at www.3dtotal.com. They are under the "Free Stuff" menu item. There are tutorials for different levels of difficulty, so you'll have to look through them to find ones teaching the basics.

If you don't have a 3D modeling package, Maya PLE is free. All you renders will have a watermark over them, but it's an awesome tool. The actual version is a few thousand dollars. Autodesk also offers a 30-day trial of 3ds Max, which I like better for modeling.

Thanks for the help, and yes i mean 3D animation
I don't follow you, sadly. Do you want to make games? Is that what you're asking? Or you don't know what to do to begin with?

If it's the first, you gotta ask yourself this, do I want to make games from scratch? What type of games do I want to make? At what detail?
If you're all alone in this, then you'd have to learn everything about game programming, starting with programming itself.

If it's the latter, then you gotta look deep into your future and see what is it that you wouldn't mind doing (preferably like doing) and start there. Also, if it's your life money-making job, then I'd suggest also looking into the profitability of the business.

I hope I helped.
yes i would like to work in games and im thinking about doing suff like animating, not drawing and making the object, but making it move. Sorry im very new to forums and not used to this kind of stuff.
hope this helps you help me
Also please give me the basic stuff, beacuse i have NO idea what to do i just need a starting point like a program that is very simple to use of a site like W3schools (website about making websites directed toward any body)
Quote:Original post by Barefoot_Mudge
Also please give me the basic stuff, beacuse i have NO idea what to do i just need a starting point like a program that is very simple to use of a site like W3schools (website about making websites directed toward any body)

Blender Software and the Getting Started page.
Maya PLE and 3D buzz video tutorials.

Steven Yau
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