Mouse - XNA Windows App [SOLVED]

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1 comment, last by flashinpan 15 years, 6 months ago
n00b here. Why does my mouse disappear when I enter the XNA game window? and How do I get it to show up? also Eventually, I want a cool mouse cursor when I move around in the XNA game window. What are the basics? Thanks, Tom [Edited by - Tom Knowlton on November 5, 2008 10:38:27 PM]
Did you set the Game.IsMouseVisible property to true?

If you want your own cursor, I suggest just disabling the Windows cursor and drawing a sprite.
Quote:Original post by MJP
Did you set the Game.IsMouseVisible property to true?

If you want your own cursor, I suggest just disabling the Windows cursor and drawing a sprite.

Set it to true now...thank you.

Agreed. If that gives me trouble...I'll be back. :)

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